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1. Factories and cities are more complex organisms than self-sufficient villages.
1. 有机物:污泥(Sludge)是污水处理过程中产生的物质,它以好氧微生物(aerobic microorganism)为主体,同时包括混入生活污水中的泥沙(sand)、纤维(fiber)、动植物残体等固体微粒及其吸附的有机物(organism)、金属(metal)、病菌(pathogen)、虫卵(o
2. 生物:就是这种交流在通告着(informs)一个族类、一个生物(organism)或物质性的物体--不管有机的或无机的,之'进化的计划'(evolutionary design). 2.当'灵魂的频率'(the frequency of soul)被接取到了时,
1. 生物;有机体;(尤指)微生物
An organism is an animal or plant, especially one that is so small that you cannot see it without using a microscope.
e.g. Not all chemicals normally present in living organisms are harmless.
e.g. ...the insect-borne organisms that cause sleeping sickness.
1. a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
Synonym: being
2. a system considered analogous in structure or function to a living body
e.g. the social organism