
old [əʊld]  [oʊld] 


old 基本解释

形容词老的; 古老的; 以前的; (用于指称被替代的东西)原来的


old 同义词

old 反义词


old 相关词组

1. from of old : 自古以来;

2. old and young : 老老少少;

3. as of old : 依旧;

4. of old : 从前;

old 相关例句



1. Oxford is an old university.

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. None of that old excuse of yours!

3. An old student came back to visit his teacher.

4. old的解释

4. My father is fifty years old.

5. I had a fine old time.

old 情景对话


B:I finally (got rid of/ sold/ threw away) that old Nissan that got me through college.

A:And bought this new car?

Private Cars-(私人汽车)

B:Hey, John. Nice car.

A:Thanks. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.

B:What is this, the new Ford?

A:No, it’s last year’s model.

B:True. How much did you pay?


A:$14,500. It only has 10,000 miles on it, so it’s like a new car.


B:Does that mean you’re not going to take the train to work anymore?


A:Well, sometimes, I think it’ll be nice to drive to work instead. We’ll see. Want to go for a ride?

B:Yeah, sure.

A:Come on.


A:Hey, buddy, can’t you see there’s a line?

B:Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.


A:What? You haven’t taken the bus before?

B:No, I’m afraid not.

A:Well, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Besides, you should let old people on first.


A:It’s all right. Where are you going?

B:I wanted to see the White House.

A:Oh, well you don’t want this bus, anyway. It goes to Georgetown.

B:Oh, no.


A:It’s all right, though. Just get off at the next stop and catch the 79A.

B:Oh, well thank you very much.

A:You’re welcome.

old 网络解释

1. 英语:从语文学角度来看,人们通常喜欢把英语分为古英语(old),中古英语(middle),早期现代英语(early modern)和现代英语(modern). 中古时期英国文学应该包括古英语文学和中古英语文学. 古英语的成分比较清晰,

2. old

2. 老的:)新的文件,那么要查比filename老的(old)的用find如何实现呢?(我不知道! #_#)#查找比filename的age(岁数?)新的文件,那么要查比filename老的(old)的用find如何实现呢?(我不知道! #_#)

3. 旧的:4 D 前后照应逻辑推理常识运用 与前面strange cars, loud noises构成并列意义不应是开着的(open)、旧的(old)、挂有窗帘的(curtained)窗户,而是破了的(broken)窗户.

4. 陈旧的:一只陈旧的(old)模子(mold). 他(he)学习刻苦勤奋,连袖口(hem)都磨破了. 做人做事还是要讲良心公德,这样才能使自己的灵魂有(have)一个安息之处(haven). 盼望(yearn)着,盼望着,新年(year)的脚步到了,终于可以欢欢喜喜过大年了.

5. old:obstructive lung diseases; 各种阻塞性肺疾病

6. old:organic luminous display; 有机发光显示器oled

7. old:open loop damping; 开环阻尼,开环衰减

old 词典解释

1. 年老的;年纪大的;不年轻的
    Someone who is old has lived for many years and is no longer young.

    e.g. ...a white-haired old man...
    e.g. He was considered too old for the job.

2. (人)…岁的;(事物)存在…久的
    You use old to talk about how many days, weeks, months, or years someone or something has lived or existed.

    e.g. He was abandoned by his father when he was three months old...
    e.g. The paintings in the chapel were perhaps a thousand years old...

3. 古老的;长久的;历史悠久的
    Something that is old has existed for a long time.

    e.g. She loved the big old house...
    e.g. These books must be very old.

4. 陈旧的;破旧的
    Something that is old is no longer in good condition because of its age or because it has been used a lot.

    e.g. He took a bunch of keys from the pocket of his old corduroy trousers.
    e.g. ...an old toothbrush.

5. 旧时的;过去的;从前的;过时的
    You use old to refer to something that is no longer used, that no longer exists, or that has been replaced by something else.

    e.g. The old road had disappeared under grass and heather...
    e.g. Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist...

6. 原来(属于自己)的;原先(生活中)的
    You use old to refer to something that used to belong to you, or to a person or thing that used to have a particular role in your life.


    e.g. I''ll make up the bed in your old room...
    e.g. I still have affection for my old school...

7. (朋友)相识已久的;(敌人)结有宿怨的;(对手)长期竞争的
    An old friend, enemy, or rival is someone who has been your friend, enemy, or rival for a long time.

    e.g. I called my old friend John Horner...
    e.g. Mr Brownson, I assure you King''s an old enemy of mine...

8. (表示亲昵)老…
    You can use old to express affection when talking to or about someone you know.

    e.g. Are you all right, old chap?...
    e.g. Good old Bergen would do him the favor.

9. 随便哪个/不是随便哪个
    You use any old to emphasize that the quality or type of something is not important. If you say that a particular thing is not any old thing, you are emphasizing how special or famous it is.

    e.g. Any old paper will do...
    e.g. The portraits and sumptuous ornaments, and the gold clock, show that this is not just any old front room.

10. 以前;从前
    In the old days means in the past, before things changed.

    e.g. In the old days we got a visit from the vet maybe once a year.

11. 往昔的好日子;过去的好时光
      When people refer to the good old days, they are referring to a time in the past when they think that life was better than it is now.

      e.g. He remembers the good old days when everyone in his village knew him and you could leave your door open at night.

12. 昔日的;往日的;古时的
      If you talk about people or things of old, you are referring to people or things that existed long ago but which no longer exist, or no longer exist in the same form.

      e.g. ...the warrior knights of old.
      e.g. ...a programme of work to recreate the Sherwood Forest of old.

13. you can''t teach an old dog new tricks -> see dog
      good old -> see good
      of the old school -> see school
      to settle an old score -> see score
      up to one''s old tricks -> see trick

old 英英释义


1. past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old'')


1. just preceding something else in time or order

    e.g. the previous owner
           my old house was larger

    Synonym: previous(a)

2. skilled through long experience

    e.g. an old offender
           the older soldiers

    Synonym: older

3. of long duration
    not new

    e.g. old tradition
           old house
           old wine
           old country
           old friendships
           old money

4. (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age

    e.g. his mother is very old
           a ripe old age
           how old are you?

5. belonging to some prior time

    e.g. erstwhile friend
           our former glory
           the once capital of the state
           her quondam lover

    Synonym: erstwhile(a)former(a)onetime(a)one-time(a)quondam(a)sometime(a)

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