
mellow [ˈmeləʊ]  [ˈmeloʊ] 


mellow 基本解释

形容词圆润的; (瓜,果等)成熟的; (酒)芳醇的; (颜色或声音)柔和的

动词(使)成熟; 变柔和; 使芳醇


mellow 相关例句


1. I''ve seen him grow more mellow over the years.

2. The party got gloriously mellow.


1. The years have mellowed him.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The years have mellowed the two brothers.


1. The apples mellowed after we picked them.

mellow 网络解释

1. 醇香:*全新100%原装正品醇香(MELLOW)女士香水30ML经典紫色*全新100%原装正品醇香(MELLOW)女士香水30ML经典紫色

2. [芳醇]:d)我没觉着我是汉奸啊七月十九日 橘色山柳兰(Orange Hawkweed) 独具慧眼(Keep insight)七月十四日 白色羽扇豆(White Lupin) 多才多艺(Highly Accomplished)二月二十一日 白番红花(White Crocus) 芳醇(Mellow)七月十八日 春菊(

3. 圆润的:声音是圆润的(mellow)和天鹅绒一般醇厚的感觉(velvety). Westone3(为了iPod做音源而特意优化过)的声音在高频上延展的更多,因此比UM3X的表现要更明亮. UM3X的声音在处理人声和声学吉它上比W3更加妙不可言. 这副入耳耳机绝对在在声学吉它,

4. 甘美的、圆润的、松软的:Syrupy:美妙的、甜美的 | Mellow:甘美的、圆润的、松软的 | Luscious:甘美的、芬芳的

mellow 词典解释

1. (颜色)柔和的,温暖的
    Mellow is used to describe things that have a pleasant, soft, rich colour, usually red, orange, yellow, or brown.

    e.g. ...a classic Queen Anne house of mellow red brick with a white portico.
    e.g. ...this mellow Cotswold manor house.

2. (声音)悦耳的,圆润的;(味道)香醇的
    A mellow sound or flavour is pleasant, smooth, and rich.

    e.g. His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality.
    e.g. ...the mellow background music.

3. (使)变平和;(使)变得成熟
    If someone mellows or if something mellows them, they become kinder or less extreme in their behaviour, especially as a result of growing older.

    e.g. When the children married and had children of their own, he mellowed a little...
    e.g. Marriage had not mellowed him.

4. (尤指喝过酒或品尝过美食后)怡然自得的
    If someone is mellow, they feel very relaxed and cheerful, especially as the result of alcohol or good food.

    e.g. He''d had a few glasses of champagne himself and was fairly mellow...
    e.g. At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily and drinking.

mellow 英英释义


1. make or grow (more) mellow

    e.g. These apples need to mellow a bit more
           The sun mellowed the fruit

2. become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial

    e.g. With age, he mellowed

    Synonym: meltmellow out

3. soften, make mellow

    e.g. Age and experience mellowed him over the years



1. slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)

    Synonym: high

2. having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience

    e.g. mellow wisdom
           the peace of mellow age

3. having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience

    e.g. mellow wisdom
           the peace of mellow age

    Synonym: mellowed

4. having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging

    e.g. a mellow port
           mellowed fruit

    Synonym: mellowed

5. unhurried and relaxed

    e.g. a mellow conversation

    Synonym: laid-back


1. (obsolete) in a mellow manner

    Synonym: mellowly

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