1. 生活史:这两个阶段前后相继,有规律地循环的全部过程,称为生活史(life history)或生活周期(life cycle). 孢子植物的生活史是从孢子萌发开始,直接长成为植物体,最后又产生孢子的过程;而种子植物是从上代个体产生的种子萌发开始,经过生长、分化,
2. 生命史:我是用定性的研究,就是生命史(Life History)这样的方法论来做研究的,而不是用定量的,或是定性的研究. 我想从教育学的角度,从跟進海外的这些「后八九」一代的学生,从他们的在国内个社会政治化的经历,还有他们在海外的「去政治化」和「再政治化」的社会政治化经历,
3. life history
3. 生活历:life 生活 | life history 生活历 | life span 寿命
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 生命史,生命周期:生命史,生命周期 Life cycle? | 生命史,生命周期 Life history? | 韧带 Ligament
1. 个人经历;生平
The life history of a person is all the things that happen to them during their life.
life history
e.g. Some people give you their life history without much prompting.
1. the general progression of your working or professional life
e.g. the general had had a distinguished career
he had a long career in the law
Synonym: career
2. an account of the series of events making up a person''s life
Synonym: biographylifelife story