
career [kəˈrɪə(r)]  [kəˈrɪr] 


career 基本解释

名词职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速



career 相关例句


1. danci.edu.pub

1. Her brothers are both career diplomats.


1. career是什么意思

1. The car was careering down the road.


1. The horse went at full career.

2. career的解释

2. My grandfather was a career teacher; it''s the only job he''d ever done.

3. He found it both interesting and instructive to learn about the careers of great men.

career 网络解释

1. career

1. 工作:职场上的女性,只要不是铁了心做丁克的,基本都会面临生育这么一个难题. 怀孕的准妈妈是否要放弃升职或者外派的机会?产假中的妈妈是否会担心工作上的拖延?刚刚生完孩子的妈妈是否要开始寻找工作与孩子之间的平衡? 工作(Career)和孩子(Child)的双C问题到

2. career

2. 经历:首先会遇到你最爱的人,然後体会到爱的感觉; 因为了解被爱的感觉,所以才能发现(finding)(finding)最爱你的人; 当你经历(career)过爱人与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人.

career 词典解释

1. 事业;职业;生涯
    A career is the job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life.

    e.g. She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer...
    e.g. Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera.

2. 工作岁月;职业生涯
    Your career is the part of your life that you spend working.

    e.g. During his career, he wrote more than fifty plays...
    e.g. She began her career as a teacher.

3. 就业的;择业的
    Careers advice or guidance in British English, or career advice or guidance in American English, consists of information about different jobs and help with deciding what kind of job you want to do.

    e.g. She received very little careers guidance when young...
    e.g. Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service.

4. (人、车辆失控地)猛冲,疾驶
    If a person or vehicle careers somewhere, they move fast and in an uncontrolled way.

    e.g. His car careered into a river...
    e.g. He went careering off down the track.

career 英英释义



1. the general progression of your working or professional life

    e.g. the general had had a distinguished career
           he had a long career in the law

    Synonym: life history

2. the particular occupation for which you are trained

    Synonym: callingvocation



1. move headlong at high speed

    e.g. The cars careered down the road
           The mob careered through the streets

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