
institution [ˌɪnstɪˈtju:ʃn]  [ˌɪnstɪˈtu:ʃn] 


institution 基本解释

名词(大学、银行等规模大的)机构; 惯例,制度,规定,建立; 社会事业机构; 口>名人,名物

institution 相关例句


1. Giving presents on Christmas is an institution.

2. institution的解释

2. The institution of slavery was once widespread.

3. He was one of the institutions of the place.

4. Institution of such schools was geared to these needs.

institution 网络解释

1. 习惯:他提了我这样的结果是这样的社会理论:在社会传统的道德习惯(idiom)和对於普遍善习惯(institution)和价值所构成. 挑战这个传统将导致无政府主义. (以下略)於传统与习惯(institution)中的道德信念和行动. 个人欲望需要辅导,

institution 词典解释

1. (大学、教会、银行等)(大型)机构
    An institution is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank.


    e.g. ...the Institution of Civil Engineers...
    e.g. Class size varies from one type of institution to another...

2. (精神病院、孤儿院等)社会收容机构
    An institution is a building where certain people are looked after, for example people who are mentally ill or children who have no parents.

    e.g. He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period...
    e.g. Larry has been in an institution since he was four...

3. 习俗;制度
    An institution is a custom or system that is considered an important or typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time.

    e.g. I believe in the institution of marriage.
    e.g. ...the institution of the family.

4. 建立;设立;制定
    The institution of a new system is the act of starting it or bringing it in.

    e.g. There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.
    e.g. ...the institution of the forty-hour week.
           每周 40 小时工作制的建立

institution 英英释义



1. the act of starting something for the first time
    introducing something new

    e.g. she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
           the foundation of a new scientific society

    Synonym: initiationfoundingfoundationoriginationcreationinnovationintroductioninstauration

2. an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated

3. a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person

    Synonym: mental hospitalpsychiatric hospitalmental institutionmental homeinsane asylumasylum

4. a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society

    e.g. the institution of marriage
           the institution of slavery
           he had become an institution in the theater

5. an organization founded and united for a specific purpose

    Synonym: establishment

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