1. 损伤:1、世界卫生组织(WHO)根据不同的残疾对人的( )和社会功能影响的不同情况,把残疾分为三类:损伤(Impairment)、能力缺失(Disablility)和残障(Handicap). 2、下列关于世界卫生组织(WHO)根据不同的残疾对人的生理功能和社会功能影响的不同情况,
2. 残损:因此,虽然有关残损(Impairment)数据、病理过程得到较多反映、临床上也较适用,但它在很大程度上. 并不能反映功能后果(Outcome)的改善. 3、不同患者或不同疾病. 不仅在偏瘫、截瘫、脑瘫、四肢瘫等康复临床与护理方面取得进展,
3. 减值:由于英国赌场业务的非有形资产减值(impairment)亏损,云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore)第一季净亏损大增,从去年同期的3187万元增加到3亿9628万元. 集团第一季的营收其实从1亿零537万元增长到4亿6040万元,这是因为圣淘沙名胜世界(Resorts World Sentosa)开始营业,
1. 损害;损伤;障碍
If someone has an impairment, they have a condition which prevents their eyes, ears, or brain from working properly.
e.g. He has a visual impairment in the right eye.
1. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
Synonym: stultificationconstipationdeadening
2. damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
3. the occurrence of a change for the worse
4. the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
e.g. reading disability
hearing impairment
Synonym: disabilitydisablementhandicap
5. a symptom of reduced quality or strength
Synonym: deterioration