名词医>便秘; 受限制
1. 秘:病理情况下常见于:1.1排便次数减少(便秘)(constipation) 是肠蠕动及分泌机能降低的结果. 其特点是粪色深干小,外面附有粘液. 动物表现排粪吃力、次数减少. 见于各种热性病、慢性胃肠卡他、肠阻塞、牛前胃弛缓、瘤胃积食、瓣胃阻塞.
2. 或便秘:如果患者每小时超过4次镇痛不够,需询问患者关于PCA的应用,如果患者认为PCA无效打算不用PCA,可以考虑增加单次按压量或降低给药间隔时间,如果患者因为副反应如瘙痒(itching),恶心(nausea)或便秘(constipation)而减少按压次数,需治疗副反应.如果患者不合适采用PCA,
3. 公共查询·英语单词
3. 便秘 便秘:婴儿宝宝便秘怎么办-婴儿便秘- 便秘(constipation)指大便干硬,隔时较久,有时排便困难. 单纯性便秘多因结肠吸收水分电解质增多引起. 常见病因有: 1.饮食不足 婴儿进食太少时,消化后液体吸收余渣少,致大便减少、变稠. 奶中糖量不足时肠蠕动弱,可使大便...
1. 便秘
Constipation is a medical condition which causes people to have difficulty getting rid of solid waste from their body.
1. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
Synonym: stultificationimpairmentdeadening
2. irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels
can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis
Synonym: irregularity