
hollow [ˈhɒləʊ]  [ˈhɑ:loʊ] 


hollow 基本解释

形容词空洞的; 空的; 虚伪的; 空腹的

名词洞,坑; 山谷

及物/不及物动词挖空(某物),变空; 挖出(孔、洞)


hollow 相关例句


1. We heard a hollow boom of thunder.

2. His speech rang hollow.

3. A water pipe is hollow.


1. They hollowed out a log.


1. We filled the hollow in the drive.


2. The cottage is in that hollow.

hollow 网络解释

1. 空的:所以TEM模式只能在同轴缆线或双芯线(two-wire line)等多导体中被传导. 中空的(hollow)波导(waveguide)并不支持TEM模式. 图二是一个双导体传输线的横向截面积. 此截面的外形是任意的.

2. 中空:Block是一个三维的模型,几何形状有棱柱、圆柱、三维的多面体、椭圆体和椭圆型圆柱体,Blocks(块)类型有三种:实体的(solid)、中空(hollow)的和流动(fluid)的.

hollow 词典解释

1. 空的;空心的;中空的
    Something that is hollow has a space inside it, as opposed to being solid all the way through.

    e.g. ...a hollow tree.
    e.g. ...a hollow cylinder.

2. 凹的;凹陷的
    A surface that is hollow curves inwards.

    e.g. He looked young, dark and sharp-featured, with hollow cheeks.

3. 树洞
    A hollow is a hole inside a tree.


    e.g. I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm.

4. 凹陷处;低洼地
    A hollow is an area that is lower than the surrounding surface.

    e.g. Below him the town lay warm in the hollow of the hill.
    e.g. ...where water gathers in a hollow and forms a pond.

5. 空洞的;无用的;无价值的
    If you describe a statement, situation, or person as hollow, you mean they have no real value, worth, or effectiveness.

    e.g. Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one.
    e.g. ...a hollow man who''s coasted on charm for far too long.

One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises.

6. (笑声等)虚伪的,不真诚的
    If someone gives a hollow laugh, they laugh in a way that shows that they do not really find something amusing.

    e.g. Murray Pick''s hollow laugh had no mirth in it.

7. (声音)空洞的,沉闷回荡的
    A hollow sound is dull and echoing.


    e.g. ...the hollow sound of a gunshot.

8. 使凹陷;使下陷
    If something is hollowed, its surface is made to curve inwards or downwards.


    e.g. The mule''s back was hollowed by the weight of its burden.
    e.g. ...her high, elegantly hollowed cheekbones.

相关词组:hollow out

hollow 英英释义



1. a depression hollowed out of solid matter

    Synonym: hole

2. a small valley between mountains

    e.g. he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians

    Synonym: holler

3. a cavity or space in something

    e.g. hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks



1. remove the interior of

    e.g. hollow out a tree trunk

    Synonym: hollow outcore out

2. remove the inner part or the core of

    e.g. the mining company wants to excavate the hillside

    Synonym: excavatedig


1. devoid of significance or point

    e.g. empty promises
           a hollow victory
           vacuous comments

    Synonym: emptyvacuous

2. as if echoing in a hollow space

    e.g. the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom

3. not solid
    having a space or gap or cavity

    e.g. a hollow wall
           a hollow tree
           hollow cheeks
           his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year

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