1. 六角形:首先,以往的Hexalite只设於鞋辳和前脚掌部分,但HEXRIDE就覆盖了整个鞋底,独特的六角形(Hex)蜂巢状几何连锁结构,每个「蜂巢」都被聚合物料层壁裹封,就像独立弹簧般发挥缓震作用,并为足部提供承托力,而且有偷轻的效果.
2. 六面体:有资料介绍:使用非结构网格(pave)对断面进行网格划分,划分为非结构四边形网格(quad),然后将断面作为源面对整体体进行非结构网格划分(cooper),生成六面体(hex)非结构体网格.
3. hex:hexamethonium; 六烃季铵
4. hex:hexadecimal display; 十六进制显示
5. hex:hexadecimal; 十六进制(的
1. an evil spell
e.g. a witch put a curse on his whole family
he put the whammy on me
1. cast a spell over someone or something
put a hex on someone or something
1. of or pertaining to a number system having 16 as its base
Synonym: hexadecimal