
doctor [ˈdɒktə(r)]  [ˈdɑ:ktə(r)] 


doctor 基本解释


名词博士; 医生,大夫; 神学家; 医疗设备


及物动词修理,装配; 假造; 搀杂; 修改,修饰

doctor 同义词

doctor 反义词


doctor 相关例句


1. He was accused of doctoring the accounts.

2. My brother doctored the old watch.


1. He doctored in Chinatown for many years.

2. She doctored in the countryside.


1. doctor

1. Mr.Smith is a Doctor of Laws.

2. doctor

2. You must see a doctor.

doctor 情景对话


A:Dr. Lee's office.

B:Hello, I have a bad headache. I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.May I make an appointment now?

A:Yes, but Dr. Lee's schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?


B:That's fine. I think I can wait till then.


A:May I have your name and number, please?

B:The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.

A:Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.

Health Insurance-(医疗保险)

B:Ohhh, I think I broke my leg.

A:Here, sir, sit down in this wheelchair.



A:The doctor will be with you in a moment. I just need to ask you a few questions.


B:All right.

A:Name, age and date of birth, please.


B:John Taylor, 32, May 23, 1970.

A:Health insurance company and policy number?

B:I don’t have it.


B:I don’t have health insurance.

A:Well, this is going to be a very expensive broken leg, Mr. Taylor.


In Labor-(生小孩)

A:My wife is in labor!

B:Here, Ma’am please get on the stretcher.

A:Is Doctor Hawkins here? She’s our doctor. We called her from the car.

B:Calm down, sir. We’ll call her to make sure she’s on the way.

A:Thanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.

B:How long has she been in labor?

A:About fifteen minutes.


B:O.K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room sir?



B:Please follow the nurse. She’ll get you ready.

doctor 网络解释

1. 刮墨刀:直接传墨 印版滚筒的1/3直接浸在油墨槽内,印版滚筒作旋转运动时,将沾粘在滚筒上的油墨带出,再由上端的刮墨刀(doctor)将多余的油墨刮去,经与纸张压印后完成一次印刷.

doctor 词典解释

1. 医生;大夫
    A doctor is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill.

    e.g. Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor...
    e.g. Doctor Paige will be here right after lunch to see her.

2. 牙医;兽医
    A dentist or veterinarian can also be called doctor .

3. 诊所
    The doctor''s is used to refer to the surgery or office where a doctor works.

    e.g. I have an appointment at the doctors.

4. 博士
    A doctor is someone who has been awarded the highest academic or honorary degree by a university.

    e.g. He is a doctor of philosophy.

5. 篡改;伪造
    If someone doctors something, they change it in order to deceive people.


    e.g. They doctored the prints to make her look as awful as possible.
    e.g. ...a cleverly doctored photograph.

The doctoring of the document has become a live political issue.

6. (将毒药、麻药等)掺入(食物或饮料中)
    If someone doctors food or drink, they add a poison or drug to it.

    e.g. She had no doubt that it was he who had doctored her milk.
    e.g. ...doctored wine.

doctor 英英释义


1. children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician''s office

    e.g. the children explored each other''s bodies by playing the game of doctor

2. a licensed medical practitioner

    e.g. I felt so bad I went to see my doctor

    Synonym: docphysicianMDDr.medico

3. a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution

    e.g. she is a doctor of philosophy in physics

    Synonym: Dr.


1. give medical treatment to

2. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

    e.g. She repaired her TV set
           Repair my shoes please

    Synonym: repairmendfixbushelfurbish uprestoretouch on

3. alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive

    e.g. Sophisticate rose water with geraniol

    Synonym: sophisticatedoctor up

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