
director [dəˈrektə(r)]  [dɪˈrɛktɚ, daɪ-] 


director 基本解释

名词导演; 主管,主任; 董事,理事; 负责人,监督者

director 相关例句


1. Her husband is a film director.

2. director的反义词

2. He is one of the directors of the company.

director 情景对话


A:Would you like to come to our factory for a visit?


B:Oh, yes. Thank you. I’d be glad to.


A:You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines.


B:I’m sure the output of your production will increase a lot.


A:Yes. Our factory director wants to meet you and talk over somethings about the business.

director 网络解释

1. director什么意思

1. 导演:(name) 导演(director) 1 发条橙子 美国 斯坦利.库布里克 1971年 2 八部半(8 1/2) 意大利 费德里克.费里尼 1963年 3 花火 日本 北野武 1997年 4 密码114 (又名<奇爱博士>>) 英国 斯坦利.库布里克 1964年 5 战国英豪 日本 黑泽明 1958年 6 卖艺春秋 意大利 费德里克.费里尼 1950 7 城市女郎 意大利 费德里克.费

2. 理事:本文档已经通过了W3C会员,软件开发人员,以及W3C的团体和其他有关各方的审查,由理事(Director)批准为W3C推荐标准. 这是一个稳定的文档,可以用作参考材料,或从其他文档的引用. W3C制定建议书的作用是提请注意规范定制和促进它的广泛部署.

3. 司长:三、澳门社会工作司司长(PRESIDENTE)及副司长(VICE--PRESIDENTE)分别等同于澳门公共行政当局中之司长(DIRECTOR)及副司长(SUBDIRECTOR),并适用澳门公共行政部门之领导及主管人员制度.

director 词典解释

1. (戏剧、电影、电视等的)导演
    The director of a play, film, or television programme is the person who decides how it will appear on stage or screen, and who tells the actors and technical staff what to do.

2. 主任;主管;署长;局长
    In some organizations and public authorities, the person in charge is referred to as the director .

    e.g. ...the director of the intensive care unit at Guy''s Hospital.
    e.g. ...the Director of Public Prosecutions...

3. (公司的)经理,董事
    The directors of a company are its most senior managers, who meet regularly to make important decisions about how it will be run.

    e.g. He served on the board of directors of a local bank.
    e.g. ...Karl Uggerholt, the financial director of Braun UK.

4. (管弦乐队或合唱团的)指挥
    The director of an orchestra or choir is the person who is conducting it.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 conductor

director 英英释义


1. the person who leads a musical group

    Synonym: conductormusic director

2. someone who controls resources and expenditures

    Synonym: managermanaging director

3. someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show

    Synonym: theater directortheatre director

4. member of a board of directors

5. the person who directs the making of a film

    Synonym: film director

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