1. 引爆装置:在火帽和引爆装置(Detonator)间有一段导火索(Chemical Delay),起到延时作用. 火帽被撞击点燃导火索,最后有引爆装置引爆火药(Explosive Material). 压力触发的原理,榴弹射出,榴弹在旋转中飞行,当飞到一定程度,在离心力的作用下,
2. 炸药:deposit 沉淀物 | detonator 炸药 | dioxide 二氧化物
3. 雷管,引爆剂:detonation wave 爆震波 | detonator 雷管,引爆剂 | detonator device 爆炸装置
1. 雷管;引爆装置
A detonator is a small amount of explosive or a piece of electrical or electronic equipment which is used to explode a bomb or other explosive device.
1. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive
can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive
Synonym: detonating devicecap