
cub [kʌb]  [kʌb] 


cub 基本解释

名词幼小的兽; 愣头青,毛头小伙子; 新手

动词(野兽)生仔; 捉幼狐(幼兽)

cub 网络解释

1. 古巴:阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 阿尔及利亚(ALG) 阿根廷(ARG) 亚美尼亚(ARM) 澳大利亚(AUS) 奥地利(AUT) 巴巴多斯(BAR) 比利时(BEL) 百慕大(BER) 白俄罗斯(BLR) 巴西(BRA) 保加利亚(BUL) 加拿大(CAN) 智利(CHI) 中国(CHN) 哥伦比亚(COL)克罗地亚(CRO) 古巴(CUB) 塞浦路斯(CYP

2. cub

2. 躺,卧:cracy统治 crat支持(或实行)...统治的人 | cub躺,卧 | cult耕,培养

3. cub在线翻译

3. 控制和高位字节:cu. mm 立方毫米 | CUB 控制和高位字节 | cubane 立方烷

4. cub:cubital; 扭臂的

5. 公共查询·英语单词

5. cub:cuba; 古巴

6. cub:comite olimpico cubano; 古巴奥林匹克委员会

cub 词典解释

The spelling Cub is also used for meanings 2, 3, and 4. 拼写 Cub 亦用于义项 2,3,4。

1. (狮、狼、熊等的)幼兽,崽
    A cub is a young wild animal such as a lion, wolf, or bear.

    e.g. ...three five-week-old lion cubs.

2. 幼童军(8至10岁的男孩组成的一支童子军)
    The Cubs or the Cub Scouts is a version of the Scouts for boys between the ages of eight and ten.

3. 幼童军成员
    A cub or a cub scout is a boy who is a member of the Cubs.

4. 幼童军会议
    Cubs is a meeting of the Cubs.

    e.g. He was on his way to Cubs.

cub 英英释义


1. the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion

    Synonym: young carnivore

2. a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)

    Synonym: ladladdiesonnysonny boy

3. an awkward and inexperienced youth

    Synonym: greenhornrookie



1. give birth to cubs

    e.g. bears cub every year

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