名词联结; [电]耦合; [机]管箍; (火车的)车钩
1. 管接头:管壁的传热效果愈佳.下列叙述,何者错误 (A)管子接合若使用管接头(coupling),必须两支舌子的公称管径相同 (B)管套节(union)可用於常拆卸的管路 (C)80号钢管的耐压强度约为40号钢管的2倍 (D)针阀适用於高压流体的调节流量 (E)球阀调节流量的效果不佳,
2. 联轴节:上述第 1(ii) 及(iii) 的拟稿将分别由独2 导流管、舵杆、呆木(Skeg)及尾框底 (Sole Piece) 结构图3 螺旋桨轴、尾轴管、联轴节(coupling)图务的操舵装置脱开的设施;(iii) 此控制系统应能由驾驶室使之投入操作;(ii) 在小于 1600 总吨的船上 ,
1. 耦接头;联轴器;(连接车辆的)车钩
A coupling is a device which is used to join two vehicles or pieces of equipment together.
e.g. Before driving away, re-check the trailer coupling.
2. (两种不同的事物、想法或活动的)连接,结合;合作
When two different things, ideas, or activities are combined, or when two people work together, you can refer to this combination as a coupling .
e.g. Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus...
e.g. The uneasy coupling of fascism and conservatism spawned a new kind of political regime...
3. 性交
An act of sexual intercourse is sometimes referred to as a coupling .
e.g. ...sexual couplings.
4. see also: couple
1. the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes
e.g. the casual couplings of adolescents
the mating of some species occurs only in the spring
Synonym: matingpairingconjugationunionsexual union
2. a mechanical device that serves to connect the ends of adjacent objects
Synonym: coupler
3. a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
Synonym: yoke