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bring out是什么意思 bring out在线翻译 bring out什么意思 bring out的意思 bring out的翻译 bring out的解释 bring out的发音 bring out的同义词

bring out [briŋ aut]  [brɪŋ aʊt] 

bring out 基本解释

出版; 取出(某物); 呈出(某物); 说出…


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bring out 情景对话


A:Are you ready to order?

bring out

B:Yes, we’d like to start with the fried mushroom platter, please.

bring out的反义词

A:What kind of sauce would you like with that?


B:The blue cheese, please. Could you make that without meat, by the way?

A:Sure. How about your main course?

B:I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger.

bring out

A:Would you like soup or salad with that?

B:Soup, please.

A:French fries, home fries, or mashed potatoes?

B:Hmm, I think I’ll have the home fries.

bring out在线翻译

A:How about for your daughter?

bring out的近义词

B:She’ll have the four cheese omelette.

A:Does she want a two or three-egg omelette?
      她是要 2 个蛋还是3 个蛋的煎蛋卷?

B:A three-egg omelette.
      3 个蛋的煎蛋卷。

A:Whole wheat or white toast?

bring out在线翻译

B:Could she substitute a muffin for that?

A:Not a problem. Blueberry or plain?


A:And what would you like to drink?

B:Two regular coffees—black—and two glasses of orange juice please.

A:Ok, I’ll bring out the mushroom platter and your drinks shortly.

bring out 网络解释

1. 取出:他/她会想方设法让你买一件替代品(substitute),但是一个好的售货员也决不会直率地(bluntly)取出(bring out)这个替代品叫你买的. 他/她可能会说,你要的那种牌子暂时没有,但是我们有一种更好的. 现在很多人都了买这种产品了,

2. 出版:bring off做成 | bring out出版 | bring up养育

3. 使出现;公布;出版:bring forward提出 | bring out使出现;公布;出版 | bring up教育,培养,使成长

4. danci.edu.pub

4. 使......显示出来;出版:bring into effect 使生效,实行 | bring out 使......显示出来;出版 | bring up 教育,培养

bring out 词典解释

1. 生产(新产品);(尤指)出版,推出(图书或CD)
    When a person or company brings out a new product, especially a new book or CD, they produce it and put it on sale.

    e.g. A journalist all his life, he''s now brought out a book.

2. 使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现;激发
    Something that brings out a particular kind of behaviour or feeling in you causes you to show it, especially when it is something you do not normally show.

    e.g. He is totally dedicated and brings out the best in his pupils.

bring out 英英释义


1. direct attention to, as if by means of contrast

    e.g. This dress accentuates your nice figure!
           I set off these words by brackets

    Synonym: set off

2. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

    e.g. The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
           The actress won''t reveal how old she is
           bring out the truth
           he broke the news to her
           unwrap the evidence in the murder case

    Synonym: unwrapdiscloselet onrevealdiscoverexposedivulgebreakgive awaylet out

3. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale

    e.g. publish a magazine or newspaper

    Synonym: publishput outissuerelease

4. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.

    Synonym: introduce

5. take out of a container or enclosed space

    e.g. Get out your best dress--we are going to a party!

    Synonym: get out

6. bring out of a specific state

    Synonym: let out

7. encourage to be less reserved

    e.g. The teacher tried to bring out the shy boy

8. make visible

    e.g. Summer brings out bright clothes
           He brings out the best in her

    Synonym: uncoverunveilreveal

9. bring onto the market or release

    e.g. produce a movie
           bring out a book
           produce a new play

    Synonym: producebring on

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