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break up是什么意思 break up在线翻译 break up什么意思 break up的意思 break up的翻译 break up的解释 break up的发音 break up的同义词

break up [breik ʌp]  [brek ʌp] 

break up 基本解释

结束; (使)破碎; 放假; (使)散开

break up在线翻译

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break up 网络解释

1. 中断:1.哪一个Cisco层主要用于中断(break up)冲突域?15.硬件地址(hardware address)定义了多少位?20.网络接口卡(NIC)可以做什么?

2. 分裂:文章第三段的主要内容是因为顾客需要多样化的产品,大规模商品市场本身也逐渐分裂成不同的小市场. 而且信息的发展也使商家了解到各微型市场的需求,并提供这方面的服务. 从上下文可猜出niches是小商场,小商店的意思,因为它是由大市场(mass market)分裂(break up)而形成的. 故正确答案为D.

3. break up的意思

3. 分手:(以上的话是在某本书上看来的,很是有感触)最近我失恋了,以前的女朋友搞怪,害的本帅哥,本酷哥,本本......本人和现在交往了2个月的MM分手(BREAK UP)了.

4. 解体:一般认为可能将微软予以解体(break up)成为二家新公司. 其中一家拥有微软窗口作业系统,另一家拥有微软应用软件(例如Word或Excel)、浏览器以及Sun Java的应用软件. 对反托拉斯案件采取结构性方式处理,在美国已有先例,

break up 词典解释

1. (使)分裂;(被)拆分;(使)破碎
    When something breaks up or when you break it up, it separates or is divided into several smaller parts.

break up的意思

    e.g. Civil war could come if the country breaks up...
    e.g. There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely...

2. (恋人)分手;(夫妻)结束关系
    If you break up with your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, your relationship with that person ends.

    e.g. My girlfriend had broken up with me...
    e.g. He felt appalled by the whole idea of marriage so we broke up.

3. (婚姻关系)破裂;结束(婚姻关系)
    If a marriage breaks up or if someone breaks it up, the marriage ends and the partners separate.

    e.g. MPs say they work too hard and that is why so many of their marriages break up...
    e.g. Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage.

4. 散(会);(使)解散
    When a meeting or gathering breaks up or when someone breaks it up, it is brought to an end and the people involved in it leave.

break up是什么意思

    e.g. A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up...
    e.g. Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration...

5. (学校或学生)放假
    When a school or the pupils in it break up, the school term ends and the pupils start their holidays.

    e.g. It''s the last week before they break up, and they''re doing all kinds of Christmas things.

6. (因信号受到干扰)声音断断续续
    If you say that someone is breaking up when you are speaking to them on a mobile telephone, you mean that you can only hear parts of what they are saying because the signal is interrupted.

break up的反义词

    e.g. The line''s gone; I think you''re breaking up.

7. 使(某人)失控
    If something breaks someone up, it causes them to lose control and begin to laugh or cry.

    e.g. Kindness breaks me up; it makes me cry.

8. see also: break-up

break up 英英释义

break up的反义词


1. laugh unrestrainedly

    Synonym: crack up

2. separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts

    Synonym: decomposebreak down

3. cause to separate

    e.g. break up kidney stones
           disperse particles

    Synonym: dispersescatter

4. break or cause to break into pieces

    e.g. The plate fragmented

    Synonym: fragmentfragmentizefragmentise

5. come to an end

    e.g. Their marriage dissolved
           The tobacco monopoly broke up

    Synonym: dissolve

6. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up

    e.g. The decree officially dissolved the marriage
           the judge dissolved the tobacco company

    Synonym: dissolve

7. close at the end of a session

    e.g. The court adjourned

    Synonym: adjournrecess

8. cause to go into a solution

    e.g. The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water

    Synonym: dissolveresolve

9. make a break in

    e.g. We interrupt the program for the following messages

    Synonym: interruptdisruptcut off

10. release ice

    e.g. The icebergs and glaciers calve

    Synonym: calve

11. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example

      e.g. Pick open the ice

      Synonym: pick

12. set or keep apart

      e.g. sever a relationship

      Synonym: sever

13. break violently or noisily

      Synonym: crashbreak apart

14. destroy the completeness of a set of related items

      e.g. The book dealer would not break the set

      Synonym: break

15. take apart into its constituent pieces

      Synonym: disassembledismantletake apartbreak apart

16. suffer a nervous breakdown

      Synonym: crack upcrackcrock upcollapse

17. come apart

      e.g. the group broke up

18. to cause to separate and go in different directions

      e.g. She waved her hand and scattered the crowds

      Synonym: dispersedissipatedispelscatter

19. discontinue an association or relation
      go different ways

      e.g. The business partners broke over a tax question
             The couple separated after 25 years of marriage
             My friend and I split up

      Synonym: separatepartsplit upsplitbreak

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