
bash [bæʃ]  [bæʃ] 


bash 基本解释

及物动词怒殴; 痛击,猛击; 严厉批评


名词重击,猛撞; 痛快的玩乐[消遣]; 英方>尝试

bash 相关例句


1. He bashed his finger with a hammer.

2. He bashed the door in and entered the room.


1. bash的近义词

1. The car bashed into a tree.


1. I am doubtful whether I could ever learn English, but I''m determined to have a bash at it.

2. He gave me a bash on the eyes.

bash 网络解释

1. 怒殴:游侠在低等级的时候有两个特殊格斗技术,称为牺牲(sacrifice)和怒殴(Bash). 牺牲是一种强力的攻击模式,这种模式将消耗一定的健康值,但是将使你的攻击力提高一倍. 即使在第二级,一次牺牲性攻击也可以打倒一个巨兽.

2. 重击:致命一击(Death Blow) 下次攻击造成8倍的伤害2.神力重击(Bash) 下次攻击造成4倍伤害并使目标眩晕3.凶猛残暴(Ferocity) 每次使用技能杀死敌方单位时恢复30%的生命4.屠戮血欲(Blood Lust) 每次杀死一名敌方单位增加20点攻击,

3. 猛击:战士精通游戏中所有的战斗技能,包括双手作战(dual wield)、单手作战(single wield)、猛击(bash)、冲击(slam)、踢腿(kick)和嘲讽(taunt)等,通过不断提升这些战斗技能,战士在很低的等级时就拥有强大的破坏力,

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 外壳:RFC (Remote Filesystem Checker)是一套外壳(bash)脚本,它应该可以帮助系统管理员运行一个文件系统检查器(如aide, tripwire,等等),可以从master模式到其它从属节点都可以运行,只要使用ssh, scp, sudo

bash 词典解释

1. 盛会;聚会;庆祝仪式
    A bash is a party or celebration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people.

    e.g. He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.

2. 痛打;猛揍
    If someone bashes you, they attack you by hitting or punching you hard.

    e.g. If someone tried to bash my best mate they would have to bash me as well...
    e.g. I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water...

3. 猛敲;猛撞;用力砸
    If you bash something, you hit it hard in a rough or careless way.

    e.g. Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster...
    e.g. A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals.

4. 重击;猛撞
    If you get a bash on a part of your body, someone or something hits you hard, or you bump into something.

5. (通常指公开地)痛斥,抨击
    To bash someone means to criticize them severely, usually in a public way.

    e.g. The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime.

6. 努力;尝试
    If you have a bash at something, you try to do it.

    e.g. He''s prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently.

7. see also: -bashing

相关词组:bash inbash outbash up

bash 英英释义



1. a vigorous blow

    e.g. the sudden knock floored him
           he took a bash right in his face
           he got a bang on the head

    Synonym: knockbangsmashbelt

2. an uproarious party

    Synonym: dobrawl


1. hit hard

    Synonym: sockbopwhopwhapbonk

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