
knock [nɒk]  [nɑ:k] 


knock 基本解释


名词短促的敲打(声); 爆震声; 敲击声; 敲门(或窗等)声

不及物动词猛烈敲击; 与某物相撞; 撞到了桌子

及物动词(心)怦怦跳; 把…撞击成(某种状态); 批评

knock 相关词组

1. knock about : 接连打击(指拳击), (浪等)反复冲击(船只), (物等)碰撞, 粗暴对待(=knock around), [口]到处流...;

2. knock together : 相撞;

3. knock oneself out : 把自己弄得精疲力竭, 尽最大努力;

4. knock out : 敲空, 击倒, 打破, 使筋疲力竭;

5. knock over : 打翻, 搜查, 吃掉;

6. get the knock : v. 喝醉, 被解雇;

7. knock up against : 碰撞;

8. knock back : 回击, 震惊;

9. knock it off : 停止;


knock 相关例句


1. What knocks me is his impudence.

2. knock的反义词

2. I knocked over the glass and spit the water.


1. His legs knocked against the chair.


1. When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head.

knock 情景对话



A:Oh!!! I have a horrible toothache.

B:You should go to the dentist.

A:I hate dentists.

B:Well, suffer then. If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.


A:It always hurts. I hate going.


B:Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out.

A:O.K., O.K., I’ll go.


B:Good. You feel better after you do.

knock 网络解释


1. 敲缸:辛烷值是用来表示燃料发生敲缸(Knock)倾向,也就是发生自燃(Autoignition)倾向的指标. 人为地把异辛烷(isooctane)的辛烷值定为100,把正庚烷(n-heptane)的辛烷值定为零,在标准的火花点火试验机上试验,

2. 敲击:热控制阀(Heat-Control Valve) 在引擎排气歧管中一种节温操作阀门,可在引擎未达正常工作温度之前,将废气的热导入进气歧管. 敲击(Knock) 随引擎速度出现的金属撞击声,通常是因轴承松脱或磨损所产生. 主轴承(Main Bearing) 引擎内支撑曲轴的轴承.

knock 词典解释

1. 敲;击
    If you knock on something such as a door or window, you hit it, usually several times, to attract someone''s attention.


    e.g. She went directly to Simon''s apartment and knocked on the door...
    e.g. Knock at my window at eight o''clock and I''ll be ready...

They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door.

2. 碰,撞;(尤指)碰倒,撞倒,敲动
    If you knock something, you touch or hit it roughly, especially so that it falls or moves.


    e.g. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf...
    e.g. The baby was knocked from his father''s arms...

3. 打通(房间或建筑)
    If someone knocks two rooms or buildings into one, or knocks them together, they make them form one room or building by removing a wall.

    e.g. They decided to knock the two rooms into one...
    e.g. The spacious kitchen was achieved by knocking together three small rooms.

4. 把…撞击到(某个位置);把…打成(某种状态)
    To knock someone into a particular position or condition means to hit them very hard so that they fall over or become unconscious.


    e.g. The third wave was so strong it knocked me backwards...
    e.g. They were knocked to the ground and robbed of their wallets...

5. 使失去(某种品质或特征)
    To knock a particular quality or characteristic out of someone means to make them lose it.

    e.g. The stories of his links with the actress had knocked the fun out of him...
    e.g. When they first joined for training many were starry eyed about just sailing around the world. We soon knocked that out of them...

6. 发碰撞声;砰砰作响
    If something knocks, it makes a repeated sharp banging noise.

    e.g. His old truck, knocking and smoking, pulled down the road and out of sight.

7. 批评;贬责;挑剔;非难
    If you knock something or someone, you criticize them and say unpleasant things about them.

    e.g. I''m not knocking them: if they want to do it, it''s up to them...
    e.g. Never knock charter flights; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers.

This season he''s more determined than ever to prove the knockers wrong.

8. 打击
    If someone receives a knock, they have an unpleasant experience which prevents them from achieving something or which causes them to change their attitudes or plans.

    e.g. What they said was a real knock to my self-confidence...
    e.g. The art market has suffered some severe knocks during the past two years.

9. (尤指以相貌)给…留下深刻印象,使…倾倒
      To knock them dead means to impress people a great deal, especially with your appearance.

      e.g. Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to go all out to knock ''em dead.

10. 停止干扰;打住
      If you tell someone to knock it off, you are telling them to stop doing something that is annoying you.


      e.g. Will you just knock it off!

11. to knock peoples'' heads together -> see head
      to knock something on the head -> see head
      to knock someone or something into shape -> see shape
      to be knocked sideways -> see sideways

相关词组:knock aboutknock aroundknock backknock downknock offknock outknock overknock togetherknock up

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