公共查询英语单词大全at once是什么意思

at once是什么意思 at once在线翻译 at once什么意思 at once的意思 at once的翻译 at once的解释 at once的发音 at once的同义词 at once的反义词

at once [æt wʌns]  [æt wʌns] 

at once 基本解释

副词立刻; 立即; 同时; 一起


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at once 相关例句


1. Do it at once!

at once 情景对话


at once的解释

A:Hi, Mr. Smith. I’m Dr. Hawkins. Why are you here today?

at once在线翻译

B:I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up.

A:Yes, well you haven’t had one for…five years. You should have one every year.

B:I know. I figure as long as there’s nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?

A:Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So, try to come at least once a year for your own good.


A:Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?

at once


at once的翻译

A:Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.


B:I’ve tried a hundred times, but I just can’t seem to kick the habit.


A:Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I’ll give you more infomp3ation before you leave.

B:O.K., thanks, doctor.


A:Good morning, sir, where are you going?

B:I’m going to England by flight B.E.987.
      我乘英国国际航空公司987 航班去英国。

A:When is your flight?

B:!0:00 a.m. When am I supposed to check in?
      上午10 点钟,我应什么时候办理登机手续?

A:We are checking in. May I have your ticket? And your health certificate and your luggage, please.

B:Here you are.

A:Are you keeping this small bags as carry-on luggage, sir?


A:You must weight that as well.

B:All right.

A:Your luggage is two pounds over, I am afraid there’ll be an excess luggage charge, sir.
      先生,您的行李超重2 磅,您得付超重费了。

B:How much must I pay?

at once

A:It’s 10 yuan.
      应该是10 元。

B:Here you are.

A:This your luggage check (ticket) which you must show when you disembark at your destnation, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.


A:Now please wait until your flight is called. There are about twenty-five minutes to go.
      您等着您的航班呼叫好吗?大约还有25 分钟就要呼叫了。


B:I’m a little nervous. I have never flown before.

at once的反义词

A:There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re in the air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant flight.

at once 网络解释

1. 马上:- my path is clear. 我的道路通畅 | - at once. 马上 | - of course. 当然


2. 立刻:at no time 从不,决不 | at once立刻 | at one time 同时,曾经,从前曾

3. at once

3. 立刻,马上:at one time 以前,曾经 | at once 立刻,马上 | at night 在夜里,在晚上

4. 同时:at least 至少 | at once 同时 | at the most 至多,顶多

at once 英英释义


1. without delay or hesitation
    with no time intervening

    e.g. he answered immediately
           found an answer straightaway
           an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
           Come here now!

    Synonym: immediatelyinstantlystraightawaystraight offdirectlynowright awayforthwithlike a shot

2. simultaneously

    e.g. he took three cookies at a time

    Synonym: at a timeat one time

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