名词消化; (食物等的)吸收; (被)吸收或同化的过程; [生理]同化作用
1. 吸收同化:更宽容的态度来促进族群间的和谐共存.政治领导人随时警觉各族之间的反应,让各族文化都能在公平合理的基础上发展,以和解宽容(accommodation)代替吸收同化(assimilation).绩效政治(meritocracy)和任人唯贤是新加坡国家统治的原则之一,
1. in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance
2. the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
Synonym: acculturation
3. a linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound
4. the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion
Synonym: absorption
5. the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another
Synonym: absorption
6. the state of being assimilated
people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family