名词文化适应,同化过程; 文化互渗
1. 文化传入:应该向在主流社会拚搏的华人精英们致敬. 然而对大多数华人来说,融入主流的道路很漫长,有的人也许一生都无法完成. 作为移民,我们在坚守自己的母语和传统文化的同时,不得不经历一个文化传入(acculturation)的过程.
2. acculturation的翻译
2. 文化融合:我们既不是延续,更不是进化,我们则是''转形''(Transformation)和''西化''(Westernization or Europeanization),乃至半中半西或不中不西,和所谓''师夷之长技'',或''中学为体,西学为用''的文化''融合''(Acculturation).
1. the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture
e.g. the socialization of children to the norms of their culture
Synonym: socializationsocialisationenculturation
2. the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
Synonym: assimilation
3. all the knowledge and values shared by a society
Synonym: culture