
Korean [kə''rɪən]  [kəˈriən, kɔ-, ko-] 


Korean 基本解释

名词朝鲜语; 朝鲜人,朝鲜国民

形容词朝鲜的; 朝鲜人的; 韩国(人)的; 韩国(语)的

Korean 网络解释


1. 朝鲜语:abic)、朝鲜语(Korean)、塞尔维亚语(Serb)、佛兰芒语(Flemish)、意大利语(Italian)、意第绪语(Yiddish)、印地语(Hindi)、希伯来语(Hebrew)、斯瓦希里语(Swahili)、乌尔都语(Urdu)......我们汲取着不同的语言和文化中所包容的思想、情感、科学、哲学、观念、信仰、习惯和传统......我们吟诵着雪莱、济慈、拜伦、海涅、歌德的

2. (韩语):从基本的五十音图教起,杰米尼职场外语培训中心2010内部课程表(精选)韩语:(Korean)班号级别课时上课时间培训对象培训目标KRA级72周六、周日任选半天A级:零起点或基础不扎实者;B级:经过50-80课时培训或自学,具有韩语A级水平的学员;

3. 公共查询·英语单词

3. 韩国人:我平生第一次听到这种概念,台湾人(Taiwanese)不是中国人(Chinese),而是和中国人(Chinese),日本人(Japanese),韩国人(Korean)一样平起平坐的独立民族,这让我很不能接受.

4. 韓文:赣州外贸网站制作是赣州金诺科技公司的主要产品之一,真正支持中文(china)英文(English)日文(Japanese(韩文(Korean) 俄文(Russian)五种语言,为您的企业推向国际化奠定坚实基础.

5. korean:kor; 朝鲜朝鲜语

Korean 双语例句

1. Kyungin Korean company''s high-Series Light reactive, colors K - HL Red Yellow Blue, plus two monochrome high-Light gray and purple, a total of five varieties.

2. The purpose of this paper is to find the same points and different points through the comparation studies between Japanese and Korean compound verbs.

3. One is Vietnam Resisting France War on the Indo-Chinese Peninsula and the other is Korea Resisting America War on the Korean Peninsula.

4. In JinSu months of poetry, that is not in Japanese imperialism occupation, Korean people''s jealousy and regret.

5. When introduced into Japan and Korea, the Song Dynasty culture has been combined with Japanese and Korean cultures and formed the Japanese and Korean Confucianisms which are different from Chinese Confucianism.

6. This bronze belt buckle is thought to be a symbol of rank, though not the highest: horse shaped buckles like this are commonly found throughout the Korean peninsula, and it is thought that the rarer tiger-shaped buckles indicated a higher official.

7. This will be the history of Korean film jobs...

8. When selecting excellent tree to build Korean Pine nut orchard, seed yield per tree should be chiefly considered.

9. Subsequently, the positive impact on Chinas economy of Korean investment in China and its disadvantageous aspect is set forth objectively on the basis of the comparation to other source FDI.

10. 50 After SOT Hong Myung-bo still has a close affinity with the current crop of Korean players.

11. Thousands of people turned out today to mourn the death of the former South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun.

12. The outbreak of Korean war contributed to the development of Japan`s economy.

13. Korean

13. The Korean Buddhist practice tradition is to meditate in the summer for three months, travel for three months in the fall, meditate for three months in the winter, and again travel for three months in the spring.

14. Ofcause you are form capitalism that all is korean and all korean is best, i an not take anythig is faultlessly or all is right all is wrong, but how and where can you say and know in my country?

15. When all the Bishops in Korea (30 of them) made their ad limina visit to the Holy See last November, Cardinal Ivan Dias, the Prefect of the this Congregation, strongly urged the Korean Bishops to accept Naju.
      当所有的主教们在韩国( 30人)作出他们的广告limina访问教廷,去年11月,伊万迪亚斯枢机主教,省长此聚集,强烈敦促朝鲜主教接受罗州。

16. Makoto Nakajima, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, and Mr. Sang-Woo Jun, Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office. A memorandum was signed by the three Commissioners at the end of the Dialogue.

17. Korean的近义词

17. Korean Confucianism in China is of universal identity, the Chinese have Roots awareness, tourism in China has become a Korean travel abroad an important destination.

18. Korean

18. Of course Korean players raise the level of the team, but I don''t think that is necessary to add one of them.

19. Well, you know that Korean restaurant we went to lastweek?

20. Korean

20. I believe I can in a short time the use of skilled Korean exchanges, I also believe that I have sufficiently strong adaptability, which as soon as possible into your country`s social environment.

Korean 词典解释

1. 朝鲜(或韩国)的;朝鲜(或韩国)人的;朝鲜(或韩)语的;朝鲜(或韩国)文化的
    Korean means belonging or relating to North or South Korea, or to their people, language, or culture.


2. 朝鲜(或韩国)人;朝鲜(或韩国)裔人
    A Korean is a North or South Korean citizen, or a person of North or South Korean origin.

3. 朝鲜语;韩国语
    Korean is the language spoken by people who live in North and South Korea.


Korean 单语例句


1. Even those who speak Korean are language majors with little business or technological background.

2. Professor Luger will be travelling to Japan and Korean in February to promote Manchester Business School.

3. BERLIN - South Korean pop star Rain not only learned to act for his film debut.

4. The stricter supervision comes after a Korean captain from Juneyao Airlines last month refused to yield to a mayday call made by another plane.

5. Fanned by the ruling, share prices in South Korean construction firms soared.

6. At the Korean base he was greeted by a small reception and offered traditional Korean food and drink.

7. Three angry North Korean players who attacked the referee were banned for the next match and face further disciplinary action.

8. Zhang and his crew followed Jin to her hometown to film villagers making traditional Korean pickled cabbage.

9. SEOUL - A South Korean golfer has paid a heavy price for an embarrassing shot that landed his caddy in hospital.

10. A South Korean golfer has paid a heavy price for an embarrassing shot that landed his caddy in hospital.

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