

yellow-brown 双语例句

1. Capsule yellow-brown pilose or brown pubescent; leaf blade abaxially yellowish brown hairy
    蒴果黄褐色具柔毛的或棕色短柔毛;叶片背面黄棕色有毛 6

2. The SOC densities of yellow soil, yellow-brown soil and dark brown soil were higher than those of other soil types, and the SOC densities of purple soil and skeleton soil were the lowest.

3. We reported a case of linear Darier''s disease in a 52-year-old female. She had recurrent keratotic yellow-brown papules over her right lower extremity every summer for thirty years and the skin lesions resolved spontaneously without any treatment. The family history was negative.
    我们报告一例52岁女性身上呈现线型Darier''s disease,她於每年夏天反覆在下肢出现一些角化,棕黄色丘疹,持续三十年之久,这些丘疹在没有给予任何治疗下自动消失。

4. yellow-brown的意思

4. Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible''''.

5. Culm sheaths longer than internodes, to 26 cm, very sparsely yellow-brown setose, apex leathery and flat.

6. In general appearance, humus is a dark, often yellow-brown, amorphous or colloidal substance that difficult of characterize chemically.

7. The colour of the periostracum is brown or blue-black, the prismatic layer is yellow-brown and the pearl layer is clear and bright.

8. Drupe cup-shaped, 1.1-1.5 cm in diam., densely yellow-brown pubescent, base conical, apex flat to slightly mucronate; wing apically inserted, 7-8 mm, comparatively thick, margin distinctly 3-partite; fruiting pedicel brownish pubescent.

9. yellow-brown的反义词

9. A yellow-brown to black or green hydrocarbon wax, found in irregular veins in sandstones and used in making electrical insulation and polishes.

10. The surface of white or light yellow, many top-ping Yuen, the center of the stem scar depression have yellow-brown, surrounded by thick fibrous scar concave point, following a round blunt and smooth, dense solid mass.

11. yellow-brown

11. The results show: the most sensitive Chinese area to acid deposition is Podzolic soil area, then follow Latosol, Dark brown forest soil and Black soil areas; Ferraisol and Yellow-brown earth area in southern China can buffer about 0.8-1.6 g Sm〓yr〓 sulfur deposition; the least sensitive areas to acid deposition are mainly Xerosol area in northwest China, Alpine soil area in the Qingzang Plateau, and Dark loessial soil and Chernozem areas; the main reason for lower critical load in northeastern areas and higher critical load in Ferralsol and Yellow-brown earth areas in China can be attributed to the obvious difference in temperature, humidity and soil properties.
      研究表明:我国土壤对酸沉降最敏感的区域是漂灰土带,其次是砖红壤土区、暗棕壤带和黑土区,南部富铝土区域大致可接受O.8-1.6 g Sm〓yr〓的硫沉降,对酸沉降最不敏感的区域主要集中在西北干旱土和青藏高原的高山土区域以及黑垆土和黑钙土带;导致我国东北地区酸沉降临界负荷偏低和富铝土区域酸沉降临界负荷偏高的重要原因,是这些地区的气温、湿度和土壤质地存在显著差异。

12. A yellow-brown to black or''''.

13. yellow-brown

13. The lion a dirty yellow-brown against the gray waves.

14. Stamens 10; 5 filaments inflated at base; anthers dark violet or yellow-brown.
      雄蕊10; 5花丝膨大的在基部;花药深色的紫色的或黄色棕色。

15. Our pearl beauty-care capsule has remarkable effect for yellow-brown spot, sun spot and age spot.

16. Branchlets brown or yellow-brown, glabrous or sparsely villous when young and glabrescent or densely pubescent and villous.


17. Note that a small artery to the left of the yellow-brown fungal abscess is thrombosed and surrounded by hemorrhage.

18. Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur.


19. Nutlets triquetrous, ellipsoid, yellow-brown, golden glandular.

20. yellow-brown什么意思

20. Capsule dehiscing loculicidally, long, terete, compressed, yellow-brown floccose to lanate-woolly; septum woody, compressed, with 1 concave midrib.

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