1. 加权:P=个人经验(Personal experience)W=加权(Weighting)E=重视细节(Emphasize detail)R=等级与优先(Rank and prioritize)6. 政府是否与其他组织签订过贸易协定,例如欧盟(EU),北美自由贸易区(NAFTA),东盟(ASEAN)等?
2. 权重:常见的算法有以下几种:轮询(Round Robin)、权重(Weighting)、最少连接(Least connection)、随机(Random)、响应时间(Response Time)等. 通过这种技术可将大量的、并发性的用户请求分配到多个服
3. 增重:7.增重(weighting) 增重整理是使用化学方法使丝织物增加重量的工艺过程. 在18世纪的欧洲,为了弥补真丝绸在精练后的重量损失,曾采用加重整理方法以维护商业利润和使用价值. 增重整理主要有锡加重法和单宁加重法. 经锡加重法整理的丝织物比重增加,
4. 赋权重:Web Site 网址 | Weighting 赋权重 | Well Managed Project 得到充分管理的项目
1. 权重
A weighting is a value which is given to something according to how important or significant it is.
e.g. The tests and teacher assessments have equal weighting.
2. (尤指在高消费城市工作的人领取的)额外补贴,生活补贴
A weighting is an advantage that a particular group of people receives in a system, especially an extra sum of money that people receive if they work in a city where the cost of living is very high.
e.g. I get an extra £2,700-a-year London weighting.
3. see also: weight
1. (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance
Synonym: weight