
weapons system

weapons system 双语例句

1. Thirdly, the paper studies the important role of strategic requirements of WED in the constructing process of weapons and equipments system; the paper also aims at the realistic limitations in strategic requirements analyzing for weapons and equipments development, and points out some improved measures.

2. weapons system在线翻译

2. Takes note of resolutions GC(49)/RES/9A on measures to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear, radiation and transport safety and waste management, GC(49)/RES/9B on transport safety, GC(49)/RES/10A on progress on measures to protect against nuclear and radiological terrorism, GC(49)/RES/10B on amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, GC(49)/RES/11 on strengthening of the Agency''s technical cooperation activities, GC(49)/RES/12A on strengthening the Agency''s activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications, GC(49)/RES/12B on the use of isotope hydrology for water resources management, GC(49)/RES/12C on the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy, GC(49)/RES/12D on support to the African Union''s Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign, GC(49)/RES/12E on the plan for producing potable water economically using small and medium-sized nuclear reactors, GC(49)/RES/12F on Agency activities in the development of innovative nuclear technology, GC(49)/RES/12G on approaches to supporting nuclear power infrastructure development, GC(49)/RES/13 on strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system and application of the Model Additional Protocol, GC(49)/RES/14 on the implementation of the Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People''s Republic of Korea for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, GC(49)/RES/15 on the application of Agency safeguards in the Middle East, GC(49)/RES/16A on staffing of the Agency''s secretariat, and GC(49)/RES/16B on women in the secretariat, and decisions GC(49)/DEC/11 on Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat, GC(49)/DEC/12 on the amendment to article VI of the Statute, and GC(49)/DEC/13 on the amendment to article XIV.
    注意到2005年9月30日原子能机构大会第四十九届常会通过的各项决议和决定,即关于加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废料管理国际合作的措施的GC(49)/RES/9 A号决议、关于运输安全的GC(49)/RES/9 B号决议、关于防止核和放射性恐怖主义措施进展的GC(49)/RES/10 A号决议、关于修正《核材料实物保护公约》的GC(49)/RES/10 B号决议、关于加强原子能机构的技术合作活动的GC(49)/RES/11号决议、关于加强原子能机构有关核科学、技术和应用的活动的GC(49)/RES/12 A号决议、关于同位素水文学用于水资源管理的GC(49)/RES/12 B号决议、关于治疗癌症行动纲领的GC(49)/RES/12 C号决议、关于支持非洲联盟消灭采采蝇与锥虫病泛非运动的GC(49)/RES/12 D 号决议、关于利用中小型核反应堆生产廉价饮用水计划的GC(49)/RES/12 E号决议、关于原子能机构新型核技术研发活动的GC(49)/RES/12 F号决议、关于支持核能基础设施发展之举措的GC(49)/RES/12 G号决议、关于加强保障制度有效性和提高其效率以及适用示范性附加议定书的GC(49)/RES/13号决议、关于《原子能机构和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国关于实施与有关的保障监督的协议》执行情况的GC(49)/RES/14号决议、关于在中东实施原子能机构保障监督措施的GC(49)/RES/15号决议、关于原子能机构秘书处人员配置的GC(49)/RES/16 A号决议和关于秘书处妇女的GC(49)/RES/16 B号决议以及关于以色列核能力和核威胁的GC(49)/DEC/11号决定、关于《规约》第六条修正案的GC(49)/DEC/12号决定和关于《规约》第十四。A条修正案的GC(49)/DEC/13号决定

3. The game features an easy to use cover system, a variety of mounts and period specific weapons including a cattleman revolver, a mauser pistol, a repeater rifle, a sawed-off shotgun, a throwing knife, a lasso and more.

4. They''ve got a lot of weapons. We have a system that we put in place.

5. The new weapons system is still in the research phase.

6. I''ve never seen a weapons system like this.

7. A heavy weapons system is a new feature in the series.

8. weapons system

8. They''d probably assume it was a means to hide some new-age weapons system.

9. How is it possible for a single disgruntled idiot to damage a multi-billion-dollar weapons system?

10. Finally, I think that in combat, When I can pilot it out to fight our enemy, Depend on the excellent air mobility, superior electronic fire control system. and the performance of the long-range precision-guided weapons, Add with my experience, I do think.


11. The simulation system can be used in development of new weapons and a sweeping sham battle.

12. In 2854, scientists from Clan Coyote carried the concept of the Mercury BattleMech to its logical extreme by developing a''Mech with a completely modular weapons system.
      2854年,森林狼氏族的科学家开始研究一种基于Mercury BattleMech概念的,拥有完全可塑的武器系统的机甲。

13. The Aegis combat system is an integrated weapons system used by the United States Navy.

14. During field operations, infantry should be the most productive source of information pertaining to the enemy`s tactics, use of weapons, combat supply system, habits, and general nature.

15. In light of your concern about the Russian politico-economic system and your interest in our programs to provide financial and technical assistance to help the Russians dispose of all their excess weapons grade plutonium, you asked me to review the Cox Report and associated testimony, analyses and articles.

16. Space warfare of information Age is a form of Information War. There are special weapons system, form of operations.

17. The tow target system is used not only in the experiments of new weapons but also in the training of army, even it can be extended to civil domains (for example, aerial survey and aerial photograph).

18. It has a sophisticated suspension system that provides a more stable platform for firing weapons when travelling across rough terrain.

19. And it can meet the needs of mapping the physical performance of components within weapons platform to mission - based utility in military operations so as to evaluate the effectiveness of weapons systems and systems - of - system

20. weapons system什么意思

20. At present, China has formed a preliminary anti-drug legal system with criminal laws as the mainstay, and administrative and local statutes as supplements, thus providing powerful legal weapons for the anti-drug struggle.

weapons system 单语例句

weapons system是什么意思

1. Other soldiers posted photos of an Army weapons system that was damaged by enemy attack, and another showed personal information that could have endangered his family.

2. CASIC is the country''s biggest missile weapons system developing and manufacturing enterprise.

3. The Pentagon''s chief weapons evaluator has calculated that the system may be capable of hitting its targets only about 20 percent of the time.

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