
weak [wi:k]  [wik] 


weak 基本解释

形容词柔弱的,虚弱的; 无力的,软弱的; 不中用的,愚钝的; 淡薄的


weak 同义词

weak 反义词

weak 相关例句


1. Her legs felt weak.


2. He is a man of weak character.

3. He was weak in mathematics, but good at English.

4. The evidence he produced was very weak.


5. She is still weak after her long illness.

weak 网络解释

1. 劣势:网络 接入高速可靠; ②客户优势:拥有庞大的客户群,尤其是拥有一部 分高知名度的客户资源; ③品牌优势:中国电信拥有较好的品牌优势,有很 好的社会信用度. (2)劣势(weak) ①云计算服务开发能力不足,业务平台改造难

2. 弱的:WE weighting 计权,加权 | Weak 弱的 | Weight 重量

weak 词典解释

1. (身体)虚弱的,无力的
    If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things.


    e.g. I was too weak to move or think or speak...
    e.g. His arms and legs were weak.

''I''m all right,'' Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps...
He weakly pressed his arms against her sides.
Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.

2. (器官或感官)功能差的,受损伤的
    If someone has an organ or sense that is weak, it is not very effective or powerful, or is likely to fail.

    e.g. Until the beating, Cantanco''s eyesight had been weak, but adequate...
    e.g. She tired easily and had a weak heart.

3. 意志薄弱的;懦弱的
    If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined, so that they are often frightened or worried, or easily influenced by other people.

    e.g. He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn''t going to stick his neck out...
    e.g. You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared.

Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness.

4. (声音或笑容)微弱的,不热情的,无力的
    If you describe someone''s voice or smile as weak, you mean that it is not very loud or big, suggesting that the person lacks confidence, enthusiasm, or physical strength.

    e.g. His weak voice was almost inaudible...
    e.g. He managed a weak smile.

He smiled weakly at reporters.

5. 不牢固的;易破的;易坏的
    If an object or surface is weak, it breaks easily and cannot support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain.

    e.g. The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary...
    e.g. Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak.

6. 无力度的;无强度的
    A weak physical force does not have much power or intensity.

    e.g. The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds...
    e.g. Strong winds can turn boats when the tide is weak.

The mineral is weakly magnetic...
Down through the trees the wind whooshed weakly, like a sick child.

7. 无权力的;无权威的;无影响力的
      If individuals or groups are weak, they do not have any power or influence.

      e.g. The council was too weak to do anything about it.

It made me feel patronised, in a position of weakness.

8. (政府或领导人) 软弱无力的
      A weak government or leader does not have much control, and is not prepared or able to act firmly or severely.

      e.g. The changes come after mounting criticism that the government is weak and indecisive...
      e.g. The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis.

...the weakly-led movement for reform.
Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.

9. (货币、经济、产业、政府等)疲软的,有崩溃危险的
      If you describe something such a country''s currency, economy, industry, or government as weak, you mean that it is not successful, and may be likely to fail or collapse.

      e.g. The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners...
      e.g. When the economy is weak, it''s very hard for suppliers to raise their prices.

The weakness of his regime is showing more and more...
The pound''s weakness compounded the widespread gloom in the City.

10. (论据等)不充分的,没有说服力的;(逻辑)不周密的
      If something such as an argument or case is weak, it is not convincing or there is little evidence to support it.

      e.g. Do you think the prosecution made any particular errors, or did they just have a weak case?...
      e.g. The claim exposed a weak point in the structure of facts upon which his argument rested...

The doctor weakly puts the case that the mother-to-be has many relatives, so needs less support from the hospital.
...the strengths and weaknesses of the government''s case...
The Law recognises the weakness of claims based on retrospective knowledge.

11. 稀薄的;稀释的
      A weak drink, chemical, or drug contains very little of a particular substance, for example because a lot of water has been added to it.

      e.g. ...a cup of weak tea...
      e.g. ...a very weak bleach solution.

12. (能力等)弱的,差的
      Your weak points are the qualities or talents you do not possess, or the things you are not very good at.

      e.g. You may very well be asked what your weak points are. Don''t try to claim you don''t have any...
      e.g. Geography was my weak subject...

His only weakness is his temperament...
There''s some weakness in their teaching ability.

13. (下巴)瘦小的;(尤暗指)性格懦弱的
      You can say that someone has a weak chin to indicate that their chin is not large, especially when you want to suggest that they do not have a strong character.

      e.g. She was a plain-looking woman with a weak chin.

14. see also: weakness

weak 英英释义



1. deficient in intelligence or mental power

    e.g. a weak mind

2. overly diluted
    thin and insipid

    e.g. washy coffee
           watery milk
           weak tea

    Synonym: waterywashy

3. likely to fail under stress or pressure

    e.g. the weak link in the chain

4. wanting in moral strength, courage, or will
    having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings

    e.g. I''m only a fallible human
           frail humanity

    Synonym: falliblefrailimperfect

5. deficient in magnitude
    barely perceptible
    lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc

    e.g. a faint outline
           the wan sun cast faint shadows
           the faint light of a distant candle
           weak colors
           a faint hissing sound
           a faint aroma
           a weak pulse

    Synonym: faint

6. not having authority, political strength, or governing power

    e.g. a weak president

7. (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection

8. lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

    e.g. a feeble old woman
           her body looked sapless

    Synonym: decrepitdebilefeebleinfirmricketysaplessweakly

9. deficient or lacking in some skill

    e.g. he''s weak in spelling

10. (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress

    e.g. a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable
           a weak stress on the second syllable

    Synonym: unaccentedlight

11. wanting in physical strength

      e.g. a weak pillar

12. tending downward in price

      e.g. a weak market for oil stocks

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