名词疣,肉赘; [植]树瘤; 俚>讨厌的人; 瑕疵,缺点
1. 疣:[概述] 疣(wart)是由病毒引起的一种皮肤表面赘生物,其病各首见与<内经>>. 多见于儿童及青年,潜伏期为1~3个月,能自身接扩散. 病毒存在于棘层细胞中,可促使细胞增生,形成疣状损害. 常见的有寻常疣、扁干疣、传染性软疣、尖锐湿疣等.
2. 肿瘤:两次move操作节省了多少工作量呢?节省了两次new操作两次delete操作,还有两次O(n)的拷贝操作,这些操作整体的代价正比于retv这个vector的大小. 难怪人们说临时对象效率问题是C++的肿瘤(wart)之一,难怪C++标准都要不惜代价允许(N)RVO.
3. 瘤:难怪人们说临时对象效率问题是C++的肿瘤(wart)之一,难怪C++标准都要不惜代价允许(N)RVO. 常量性(const-ness)与左值性(lvalue-ness)是正交的.
4. 疣,肉赘:scar 癜痕 | wart 疣,肉赘 | callus, callosity 胼胝
1. 疣;肉赘
A wart is a small lump which grows on your skin.
2. 不隐瞒缺点地;毫不遮丑地
If you describe someone or accept them warts and all, you describe them or accept them as they are, including all their faults.
e.g. Lyn loves him warts and all...
e.g. He gives us a portrait of the real Gandhi, warts and all...
1. (pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin
caused by a virus
Synonym: verruca
2. any small rounded protuberance (as on certain plants or animals)
3. an imperfection in someone or something that is suggestive of a wart (especially in smallness or unattractiveness)