
wage increase

wage increase 双语例句


1. Large companies in the United States, labor insurance systems, the general wage level is not high, a lot of Americans to the stability and welfare to work only to large companies, large companies have an annual rate of salary increase is also very small in general 3 -5%, And the small number of individual annual salary increase in the range of 8-15%.

2. Mr. Berg is calling for an $8 million increase in state funding, a minimum wage hike in New York and the expansion of federal food programs.

3. The workers decided to go slow unless they were granted a 15% wage increase.

4. The company has introduced an incentive wage to increase productivity.


5. If the industry does not face foreign competition it may be able to increase its prices and pass the wage increase along to consumers.

6. wage increase的解释

6. National disabled veterans to receive compulsory resettlement of the corresponding increase in unit labor indicators and the total wage base.

7. In 2009, the company drew up Guidance Opinions of Regular Wage Increase

8. Do you think the implementation of minimum wage would increase the unemployment rate in Hong Kong?

9. wage increase

9. When the production efficiency of trade products sector increases rapidly, the wage rate of the department will increase.

10. wage increase的反义词

10. If the price of silk goes up to over nine hundred taels a picul again, I may consider a wage-increase-very well, you can go now!

11. At the same time, we encourage the migrant workers to organize and mobilize themselves to protect their wages against these extortions legalized by the Taiwan government and to fight for an increase in the minimum wage. The experience of the 5000 Thai and Filipino workers in Formosa Plastics Company in Mailiao can be emulated.
      同时我们鼓励移工自我组织与动员来捍卫自己的工资,对抗台湾政府所合法化的勒索,加入最低工资的斗争行列。5000名泰国与菲律宾移工在Formosa Plastics Company in Mailiao的经验值得跟进。

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. The first half of cities and towns throughout the unit on-the-job workers the average wage for 14, 638 yuan, compared with a year earlier, an increase of 1674 yuan, an increase of 12.9 percent, down 5.1 percentage points year-on-year.

13. danci.edu.pub

13. First. the dissertation analysis the economic nature of leisure time; individual demand of leisure time and the trend of human being''s leisure time, and reveals the rule of humanbeing''s leisure time demand, find that the fundmental reason of leisure time coming about is the continually development of productive forces and labour productivity, and with every leap of productive forces, humanbeing''s leisure time increase quickly, but the most important factor which influence idividual demand to leisure time is the real wage level, with the raise of real pay, the individual demand to leisure time is decrease at first, then when the real pay ascend to a degree, with the raise of real pay, the individual demand to leisure time is decrease, it is called rule of leisure time demand.

14. If you tell the staff that they won''t be getting the wage increase you promised them, all hell will break loose.

15. Half the increase was necessary just to get the minimum wage back to what it had been in 1991, the last time it was raised.

16. The same reason caused the wage and the price to increase simultaneously the two of which promote eatch other.

17. The average wage in December is used to calculate the total increase in her payroll.

18. wage increase是什么意思

18. Skill-biased technology change will increase the demand of high skill labor, and incduce the wage inequlity between high-skilled labor and low-skilled labor, and the return to human capital investment, so prompte human capital investment and human capital accumulation.

19. Recently, the continuingly rising price will make more room for the increase in wage level.

20. Additional key accomplishments under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi include the toughest ethics reform legislation in the history of the Congress, an increase in the minimum wage for the first time in 10 years, the largest college aid expansion since the GI bill in more than 60 years, and the largest increase in veterans health care funding in the 77-year history of the Veterans Administration as well as a new GI education bill for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

wage increase 单语例句

1. Hussain added that the government also should increase the country''s minimum wage and minimum pension levels.

2. She said the increase is not enough because inflation and the recently established minimum wage have added to the costs.

3. Minimum wage also increases the cost of many low end shops and they have no choice but to increase their prices.

4. This is the second increase in five months in Shanghai, whose minimum wage is now the highest in the country.

5. A 12 percent increase has been suggested for those who haven''t got an increment for several years and receive only half the average wage.

6. The government has also raised the income tax threshold and plans to increase minimum wage levels to improve living standards and boost consumption.

7. This results in low profits and slow wage increase, which in the end dampen consumption.

8. Despite the increase, the minimum wage is still quite low compared with the average wage level.

9. But Bangladesh''s government is considering an increase in the minimum wage.

10. Some economists warn the minimum wage increase might invite a surge of unemployment because many small businesses cannot afford it.

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