1. 观察者:如几何特性,外观,行为,位置,声音,光源等.视野子图包含虚拟场景中ViewPlatform 对象,ViewPlatform节点定义了观察者(Viewer)的位置,方向等.3.7.2 行为(Behavior)对象的分析VRML文件可以引用其它多种标准格式文件,
2. 查看器:区别在于油漆桶所填充的颜色是直接从滴管工具中获得的,而填充工具所填充颜色泊坞窗(Color Docker Window):打开颜色泊坞窗,可以通过颜色滑棒(Slider)、查看器(Viewer)和色板(Palettes)来实时调整对象的轮廓关于群组(Group)的交互调和:于是由剪贴板进行转换,
1. 电视(节目)观众
Viewers are people who watch television, or who are watching a particular programme on television.
e.g. These programmes are each watched by around 19 million viewers every week.
2. 观看者;观察者
A viewer is someone who is looking carefully at a picture or other interesting object.
e.g. ... the relationship between the art object and the viewer.
3. (看幻灯片的)观片器,看片器
A viewer is a device shaped like a box with a lens in one side. It is used for looking at transparent colour photographs.
e.g. This special viewer is simple to use and comes with 70 full-colour slides.