名词(词等的)变体,(字音的)转讹; [生]变种,变异体; 变形,变量,转化; [统]变式
形容词变异的; 不同的,相异的,不一致的; 多样的; 易变的,不定的
1. 变量:Last-Modified实体头域(entity-header)指明了变量(variant)被源服务器所确信的最后修改的日期和时间. 此头域的确切含义取决于源服务器的实现和源资源(original resource)的性质. 对文件而言,它可能仅仅指示文件上次修改的时间.
2. 公共查询·英语单词大全
2. 可变类型:可变类型(Variant)是指可以在程序运行期间确定或改变的数据类型. 这些数据在编译期间不能确定其数据类型,而且,它们比固定类型的数据占用更多的存储空间和更多的操作时间. Object Pascal的子程序分为两种:过程(procedure)和函数(function).
3. variant
3. 变异体:即使在同一发育阶段, 有些虫种抗原亦可产生变化.如布氏锥虫虫体表面的糖蛋白膜抗原不断更新,新变异体(variant)不断产生,总是与宿主特异抗体合成形成时间差.⑵ 分子模拟与伪装 有些寄生虫体表能表达与宿主组织抗原相似的成分,
1. 变体;变种;变化形式
A variant of a particular thing is something that has a different form to that thing, although it is related to it.
e.g. The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra...
e.g. An intriguing variant to pipelines would be to carry the water using the existing system of canals...
1. something a little different from others of the same type
e.g. an experimental version of the night fighter
a variant of the same word
an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone
the boy is a younger edition of his father
Synonym: versionvariationedition
2. a variable quantity that is random
Synonym: random variablevariatestochastic variablechance variable
3. an event that departs from expectations
Synonym: discrepancyvariance
4. (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups
e.g. a new strain of microorganisms
1. differing from a norm or standard
e.g. a variant spelling
2. exhibiting variation and change
e.g. letters variant in size