
variable [ˈveəriəbl]  [ˈveriəbl] 


variable 基本解释

形容词变化的,可变的; [数]变量的; [生]变异的

名词可变因素,变量; 易变的东西

variable 反义词


variable 相关例句


1. variable的反义词

1. The weather here is variable.

2. variable的反义词

2. The speed of the toy boat is variable.


1. variable是什么意思

1. Temperature and rainfall are variables.

2. variable的翻译

2. We should take all the variables into account when we make a plan.

variable 网络解释

1. 计量值:一个单一可量测之品质特性如外径、重量或体积,称为计量值(variable). 计量值管制图已被广泛地使用於统计制程管制中,因比起计数值管制图,计量值管制图可提供更多有关制程之资讯. 若某一机率分配之变异数为未知,


2. 变项:行为主义(behaviorism)者则主张在控制条件下观察实验心理学(experimental psychology)就是在实验控制条件下对心理据这个定义,只要是用实验法(experimental method)来研究的心理学问题,变量(或变项)(variable)是指在数量上或质量


3. variable:vari; 可变的

variable 词典解释

1. 多变的;易变的;反复无常的
    Something that is variable changes quite often, and there usually seems to be no fixed pattern to these changes.

    e.g. The potassium content of foodstuffs is very variable...
    e.g. There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong.

There''s a great deal of variability between individuals.
...the variability in the climate.

2. (质量、数量、规模等)可变因素
    A variable is a factor that can change in quality, quantity, or size, which you have to take into account in a situation.

    e.g. Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable...
    e.g. Other variables in making forecasts for the industry include the weather and the general economic climate.

3. 变量;变项;变元
    A variable is a quantity that can have any one of a set of values.

    e.g. It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation.

variable 英英释义


1. a quantity that can assume any of a set of values

    Synonym: variable quantity

2. a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity

3. something that is likely to vary
    something that is subject to variation

    e.g. the weather is one variable to be considered

4. a star that varies noticeably in brightness

    Synonym: variable star


1. (used of a device) designed so that a property (as e.g. light) can be varied

    e.g. a variable capacitor
           variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights

2. liable to or capable of change

    e.g. rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable
           variable winds
           variable expenses

3. marked by diversity or difference

    e.g. the varying angles of roof slope
           nature is infinitely variable

    Synonym: varying

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