
uprise [''ʌpraɪz]  [''ʌpraɪz] 


uprise 基本解释

动词起义; 上升; 起床; 暴动

uprise 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 上升:160AG 灰幕皇跟其它幕料一样,有手动(SR)、电动(EI)、上升(UPRISE)等多款型号选择,如有任何垂询,请赐电 ── 视听工作室有限公司(AV-LAB LTD.)或留意广告.

2. 升:160AG 灰幕皇跟其它幕料一样,有手动(SR)、电动(EI)、上升(UPRISE)等多款型号选择,如有任何垂询,请赐电 ── 视听工作室有限公司(AV-LAB LTD.)或留意广告.


3. 起义:uprightness 垂直 | uprise 起义 | uprising 起来

4. 起义,暴动:upheaval剧变,动乱 | uprise起义,暴动 | abduct诱拐,劫持

uprise 英英释义


1. get up and out of bed

    e.g. I get up at 7 A.M. every day
           They rose early
           He uprose at night

    Synonym: get upturn outariserise

2. return from the dead

    e.g. Christ is risen!
           The dead are to uprise

    Synonym: resurrectrise

3. move upward

    e.g. The fog lifted
           The smoke arose from the forest fire
           The mist uprose from the meadows

    Synonym: riseliftarisemove upgo upcome up

4. come up, of celestial bodies

    e.g. The sun also rises
           The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled...
           Jupiter ascends

    Synonym: risecome upascend

5. rise to one''s feet

    e.g. The audience got up and applauded

    Synonym: ariseriseget upstand up

6. rise up as in fear

    e.g. The dog''s fur bristled
           It was a sight to make one''s hair uprise!

    Synonym: bristlestand up

7. ascend as a sound

    e.g. The choirs singing uprose and filled the church

8. come into existence
    take on form or shape

    e.g. A new religious movement originated in that country
           a love that sprang up from friendship
           the idea for the book grew out of a short story
           An interesting phenomenon uprose

    Synonym: originateariserisedevelopspring upgrow

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