名词统一,联合; 一致
1. 合一:主要特点是基于合一(unification)来表达构式的语法特征(这跟HPSG,即基于中心词的短语结构语法类似). (5)可变型构式语法(Fluid Construction Grammar) 这是将构式语法的思想用于计算语言学的句法分析和生成中产生出来的一个分支.
2. 联合:Prolog教程12-联合 Prolog的最强大的功能之一就是它内建了模式匹配的算法----联合(Unification). 以前我们所介绍的例子中的联合都是较为简单的. 现在来仔细研究一下联合. 下表中列出了联合操作的简要情况. 变量&任何项目: 变量可以与任何项目绑定,
1. 合一; 联合;统一
Unification is the process by which two or more countries join together and become one country.
e.g. ...the process of general European unification.
1. the act of making or becoming a single unit
e.g. the union of opposing factions
he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays
Synonym: unionunitingconjugationjointure
2. an occurrence that involves the production of a union
3. the state of being joined or united or linked
e.g. there is strength in union
Synonym: union