1. 解闭:这一过程在开通新基站时候可看到DXU显示加载数据,完成成功后再看到TRU加载数据,最后全部成功后整个RBS全部重新启动,最后是等待BSC解闭(UNBLOCK)状态.
2. 非阻塞:许多概念,诸如:同步(Sync)/异步(Async),阻塞(Block)/非阻塞(Unblock)等,初学者往往迷惑不清,只知其所以而不知起所以然. 同步方式指的是发送方不等接收方响应,便接着发下个数据包的通信方式;而异步指发送方发出数据后,等收到接收
3. unblock是什么意思
3. 解块:unbind 切断 | unblock 解块 | unblocked 非块式
4. unblock的翻译
4. 解锁口令:7.20, Change PIN 修改 | 7.21, Reload PIN 重装个人密码 | 7.22, 解锁口令UNBLOCK
1. make (assets) available
e.g. release the holdings in the dictator''s bank account
2. play the cards of (a suit) so that the last trick on which a hand can follow suit will be taken by a higher card in the hand of a partner who has the remaining cards of a combined holding
3. clear or remove an obstruction from
e.g. the procedure unblocked his arteries