
Twins [twɪnz]  [twɪnz] 


Twins 基本解释


双子星座; [电影]龙兄鼠弟

Twins 网络解释

1. 龙兄鼠弟:作为一名资深的制片人和导演,伊万.;瑞特曼曾经创作了许多美国电影中非常成功的爱情和喜剧电影,为中国观众所熟知的就有<捉鬼敢死队>>(GHOSTBUSTERS)、<龙兄鼠弟>>(TWINS)、<威龙二世>>(JUNIOR)等等.

2. 双胎:左、右下颌隆起很快在胚腹侧中线愈合,将口咽膜与心隆起隔开...七、双胎、多胎和联胎 (一)双胎 双胎(twins)又称孪生,双胎的发生率约占新生儿的1%. 双胎有两种. 1.双卵孪生一次排出两个卵子分别受精后发育为双卵孪生(dizygotic twins),

3. 双生子:他所设计的双生子(Twins)和收养(Adoption)法,一直沿用到今天,并且是蒸蒸日上,生生不息. 用这些方法测验出来的结果,多在说明是遗传还是环境主宰着所测验的行为. 从决定是由遗传支配到决定是由什么基因控制,还有一段很长的路.

Twins 双语例句

1. Twins的意思

1. She gave birth to three children: Susanna and the twins, Judith and Hamnet.

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. Will had some good friends, Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and he called the twins after them.

3. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith.

4. Twins在线翻译

4. When solidafication speed is less than 500 μm/min, equiaxed crystal s appear in cross and longitudinal sections, there are some twins among crystals, the number is much more, while the solidification speed is smaller.

5. It has been shown through these twin studies, and other studies where identical twins are compared to adopted siblings, that there does seem to be a genetic basis for bipolar disorder.

6. Poor Mrs. jones tried to get past the bubble gum machine before her twins noticed it.

7. Results: A total of 1, 224 twins (690 MZ and 534 DZ twins) aged between 18 and 86 years (mean age 52.36 years) were recruited into the GEM study.
    结果:共有1224例年龄介于18岁至86岁的双胞胎( 690生子卵双胞胎和534 )(平均年龄52.36岁)被招募到此项GEM研究中。

8. Twins的反义词

8. Only MZ twins discordant for SLE featured widespread changes in the DNA methylation status of a significant number of genes.

9. Twins的解释

9. RESULTS. A total of 1224 twins (690 monozygotic and 534 dizygotic) between 18 and 86 years of age were recruited into the GEM study. A total of 96 twins (96/347 = 27.7%) comprising 50 MZ and 46 DZ twins were first prescribed optical correction for myopia at the age of 18 years or older.
    结果 18至86岁的1224对孪生子(单卵双生690对和双卵双生534对)参与了这项近视基因研究。96对孪生子(96/347 = 27.7%)包括50对单卵双生和46对双卵双生子在18岁以后第一次进行了近视视力矫正。

10. Personal idiosyncrasies that have been found to be surprisingly concordant among MZ twins separated in infancy and reared apart may be emergenic traits.

11. The results showed that intraclass correlations for adiponectin, leptin and BMI were higher in the MZ twins than those in the DZ/SP group.

12. The birth rate of MZ twins keeps relatively stable before 34, and then increase with maternal age. The twins sex ratio is lower than that of the same population significantly in China, and the twins sex ratios at the age groups of 15—19 and 45—49 which are possibly caused by the lower MZ twins sex ratios are''lower than that at any other age groups.

13. It was exhibited that, although the DNA sequences of a pair of MZ twins are identical, significant variations of performance are more and more observed along the temporal development, which indicates that the methylation patterns are changing through time, making the MZ twins with the identical DNA sequence grow into two more and more different persons.

14. And at the time of her delivery, there were twins in her womb.
      38:27 他玛将要生产,不料她腹里是孪生子。

15. On either side of her, the twins lounged easily in their chairs, squinting at the sunlight through tall mint-garnished glasses as they laughed and talked, their long legs, booted to the knee and thick with saddle muscles, crossed negligently.

16. The twins are in bed.

17. Twins是什么意思

17. One night after the twins were in bed, Yinling suddenly began to cry and the sound woke up her sleeping husband.

18. It is said that my sister and I look like the twins.

19. Twins的反义词

19. Objective To investigate the rehabilitation training and education of one pair of twins with severe spasm type cerebral palsy.
      目的 探讨双胞胎重度痉挛型脑瘫患儿的运动功能康复训练和教育。

20. He thought. He found the twins, Jip and Jamila rolling around, playing.

Twins 单语例句

1. Mariah Carey was visited by Child Protective Services shortly after giving birth to her twins.

2. Animal experts said cows generally give birth to one calf and the probability of producing twins is only 2 percent to 4 percent.

3. Of the 26 embryos that developed enough for them to observe, two had these distinct internal cell masses that scientists think are characteristic of twins.

4. Twins with cerebral palsy can''t be taken as an excuse for murder.

5. But she was actually in labor and gave birth to the twins who have been certified by doctors to be in excellent health.

6. The Chilean twins presented a particularly difficult challenge because they were born sharing many of the same internal organs and even urinary system.

7. Overseas applicants are only allowed to adopt one child at a time, unless they want to adopt twins or siblings who live in the same welfare institution.

8. Two people in Beijing have come forward to finance the twins''education at Tsinghua University.

9. It was the seventh and most complex operation yet for the twins.

10. Raising twins is complicated in any environment but when they are raised in a multicultural home the situation can get complicated and sometimes quite messy.

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