
twenty-five percent

twenty-five percent 双语例句

1. Twenty-five percent of my revenue is actually doing security assessments, so people actually hire to break into their systems to find their security failures and patch them before the bad guys find.

2. Twenty-five percent of the contact price shall be paid in iraq dinar on the basis of rmb.

3. danci.edu.pub

3. Twenty-five(25%) percent of the Contract price shall be paid in Iraqi Dinar on the basis of RMB.

4. That was down from last year, but still about twenty-five percent more than ten years ago.

5. Twenty-five percent of Shen Feng Jing started its retardance on Indian bullfrog`s nerve conduction in 4 min after giving medicine while only 2 min for 50%(P.05), and the retardative effect strengthened with the time.
    25% 的神蜂精溶液在给药后4m in 对蛙坐骨神经动作电位的传导开始有明显的阻滞作用(P< 0.05); 50%以上神蜂精溶液在2m in 内就开始有显著阻滞作用(P< 0.05),并随给药时间推移,阻滞作用不断加强,表现出明显的时程效应。

6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all monies past due shall bear interest a eighteen(18)percent per annum simple interestexcept that, during any period in which the balance outstanding exceeds$500, 000, such interest rate shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-five(25percent per annum simple interest calculated for such period, rather than eighteen(18)percent.

7. The group with the most punishment earned twenty-five percent less than the group with the least punishment.

8. On the first day of battle at Antietam, Lee lost twenty-five percent of his men. On the second day, the two armies faced each other without firing.

9. Since1870 the experienced labor force engaged in production of services has risen from twenty-five percent to fifty-three percent, Whether you want a daily diaper service for the new infant, a carwash or a clipping for your dog, you are sure to find it. the yellow pages in the back of every telephone book list hundreds of such offerings.
    自从 1870 以后那富有经验的劳动力量忙碌的在生产中服务有升起从二十五%的到五十三%的,是否你需要一每日的尿布服务为新的婴儿,carwash 或一剪断为你的狗,你确定找 it.the 黄页电话簿在那背面每一电话书目录数以百计的如此的提供。

10. twenty-five percent

10. Jim: The only requirement is an advance payment of twenty-five percent before delivery.

11. Even three percent annually isn''t peanuts when the principal''s one hundred and twenty-five thousand Galleons.

12. twenty-five percent的翻译

12. Twenty-five percent of Ecuador`s population speak Quechua exclusively b.

13. twenty-five percent的反义词

13. Twenty-five percent of their salar ie s is used to buy food and clothing.

14. twenty-five percent的近义词

14. And a friend of that friend was twenty-five percent more likely to do the same.
      同时,这个朋友的朋友有 25%的可能会有相同感觉。

15. twenty-five percent

15. One-fourth, fourth, quarter, fourth part, twenty-five percent quartersawed

16. twenty-five percent

16. Research suggests about twenty-five percent of all the profiles belong to individuals under age eighteen.

17. But foreign-born teens make up nearly twenty-five percent of those who never finish high school.

18. For example, a person might want to buy a packet of cigarettes for twenty-five cents. If there is a sales tax of eight percent in that state, then the cost of the cigarettes is twenty-seven cents. This figure includes the sales tax.

19. Henry: I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?

20. Five years later those who had passed in the upper ten percent all., without exception, had executive positions, while not a single young man of the lower twenty-five per cent had become an executive.

twenty-five percent是什么意思,twenty-five percent在线翻译,twenty-five percent什么意思,twenty-five percent的意思,twenty-five percent的翻译,twenty-five percent的解释,twenty-five percent的发音,twenty-five percent的同义词,twenty-five percent的反义词,twenty-five percent的例句,twenty-five percent的相关词组,twenty-five percent意思是什么,twenty-five percent怎么翻译,单词twenty-five percent是什么意思
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