
turn tail [tə:n teil]  [tɚn tel] 

turn tail 基本解释


turn tail的翻译

turn tail 相关例句


1. The thief had turned tail before the police arrived.

turn tail 网络解释

1. 逃跑:turn sb loose 放松;放任 | turn tail 逃跑 | turn the tables 扭转局势

2. 避免麻烦或者困难:270. wear the pants 当家作主 | 271. turn tail 避免麻烦或者困难 | 272. turn one's head 被某种好运冲昏了头脑

3. turn tail的解释

3. 逃跑者;开小差的人;胆小鬼:the tail wags the dog主次颠倒 喧宾夺主 | turn tail 逃跑者;开小差的人;胆小鬼 | 9 do a double take心不在焉后突然注意而恍然大悟; 双重身份

4. 掉头就跑:[44]try out for 参加选拔 | [45]turn tail 掉头就跑 | [46]don't twist his tail,he is a bit on edge 别惹她,他正烦着呢

turn tail 英英释义


1. flee
    take to one''s heels
    cut and run

    e.g. If you see this man, run!
           The burglars escaped before the police showed up

    Synonym: scatrunscarperlamrun awayhightail itbunkhead for the hillstake to the woodsescapefly the coopbreak away

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