
trump [trʌmp]  [trʌmp] 


trump 基本解释

名词王牌,法宝; 有效手段; 古,诗>喇叭,号声; 口>好人

及物动词胜过; 打出王牌赢

不及物动词出王牌; 捏造,编造; 吹喇叭

trump 相关例句


1. He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown .

2. trump

2. The last bidder''s offer trumped that of all the others.


1. I was lucky to have drawn a trump.

2. Now it''s time that you played your trump card.

trump 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 王牌:大阿卡纳牌共有22张,具有强烈而又深奥的意义,又叫王牌(Trump),它象征着人生的各个过程. 小阿卡纳牌反映着日常的生活面貌,可以认为现代意义的玩法正是由此派生的. 正如曾经有位名人所说的,牌戏具备预言的性质......

2. trump的反义词

2. 键击噪声,低频噪声,开机砰声:THRU through 通过,过桥,直接转送 | Trump 键击噪声,低频噪声,开机砰声 | Thrust 插入,强行加入

3. trump:teller register unit monitoring program; 出纳寄存器监视程序

trump 词典解释

1. (牌戏中的)王牌,主牌
    In a game of cards, trumps is the suit which is chosen to have the highest value in one particular game.


    e.g. Hearts are trumps.
    e.g. …the ace of trumps.
           主牌 A

2. (一张)王牌,主牌
    In a game of cards, a trump is a playing card which belongs to the suit which has been chosen as trumps.

    e.g. He played a trump.

3. 胜过;压过
    If you trump what someone has said or done, you beat it by saying or doing something else that seems better.


    e.g. The Socialists tried to trump this with their slogan...
    e.g. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has trumped Lloyds by raising its offer.

4. 王牌;绝招;杀手锏
    Your trump card is something powerful that you can use or do, which gives you an advantage over someone.

    e.g. In the end, the Ten took their appeal to the Supreme Court; this, they had believed from the outset, would be their trump card...
           最后,10 个人上诉到最高法院:他们从一开始就认为这一招是他们的王牌。
    e.g. She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.

5. 意外地胜利;意外地成功
    If you say that someone came up trumps, you mean that they did something successfully, often when they were not expected to.

    e.g. Dwayne has come up trumps with a goal worthy of winning any match.

trump 英英释义



1. a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone
    has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves

    Synonym: cornethorntrumpet

2. (card games) the suit that has been declared to rank above all other suits for the duration of the hand

    e.g. clubs were declared trumps
           a trump can take a trick even when a card of a different suit is led

3. a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps

    e.g. the ace of trumps is a sure winner

    Synonym: trump card


1. proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare

    Synonym: trump out

2. play a trump

    Synonym: ruff

3. get the better of

    e.g. the goal was to best the competition

    Synonym: outdooutflankbestscoop

4. produce a sound as if from a trumpet

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