1. 三色旗:真的是死球. 不过骷髅本来就是死的. 说话者坐在露台的一张木制摇椅上,喝着装在玻璃杯的红色液体,一副享受度假生活的模样,还是个头发、眉毛跟胡须都不同色的怪男子. 可以叫他做三色旗(tricolor)先生吗?
2. (三色):black) 三色(Tricolor) merle-云石(Blue merle) Bi-云石(Bi-blue) 貂色云石(Sable merle) 两倍的merle(Double merle)也就是双重同种云石基因 在双重同种云石基因里还会繁殖出纯白或多余白色的小狗..这些狗是不被认可的.Shelties外套的白色皮毛分布范围受 S 显性基因 (Self color)控制:si - 典型的喜乐蒂(sheltie)和柯利犬(c
3. 三色的:trend colour 流行色 | tricolor 三色的 | turq 湖水蓝
4. 猩红,彩叶半重瓣中晚少好直立足:86Holiday Purple Blizzard白、蓝紫双色单瓣中晚频极蔓生半 | 232Tricolor猩红,彩叶半重瓣中晚少好直立足 | 237Wilhelm Langguth浅红,叶白边半重瓣晚频极直立足
1. a flag having three colored stripes (especially the French flag)
Synonym: tricolour
1. having or involving three colors
e.g. trichromatic vision
a trichromatic printing process
trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors
tricolor plumage
a tricolor process in photography
Synonym: trichromatictrichrome