
tribute [ˈtrɪbju:t]  [ˈtrɪbjut] 


tribute 基本解释

名词致敬; 贡品; 悼念; 体现


tribute 相关例句


1. Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.

2. The doctor paid tribute to his nurses by praising their work.

3. tribute

3. The new engine''s performance is a tribute to the skill of its designers.

4. The brigands demanded tribute from passing vehicles.

5. danci.edu.pub

5. We must give tribute to all those who helped make this a free country.

tribute 网络解释

1. 致敬:在>中IPC给人一种飘渺的感觉,而飞碟则让我仿佛看到了当时演唱会上泰姬陵的画面,更多了一份深沉一份韵味,更加内敛真正配的上致敬(Tribute)二字.

2. 礼物:榜单上最值得一读的是<纽约时报>>排名第一的畅销书作家诺拉.罗伯特(Nora Roberts)的新作:<礼物>>(Tribute). 主人公希拉回到祖母的农庄,准备翻修整理已经废弃的房子. 过去曾是好莱坞明星的祖母,39岁时神秘地因为药物中毒而在这座房子里去世,

tribute 词典解释

1. 致敬;颂词;献礼
    A tribute is something that you say, do, or make to show your admiration and respect for someone.

    e.g. The song is a tribute to Roy Orbison...
    e.g. He paid tribute to the organising committee...

2. (良好结果的)体现,证明
    If one thing is a tribute to another, the first thing is the result of the second and shows how good it is.

    e.g. His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism...
    e.g. It is a tribute to Mr Chandler''s skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material.

tribute 英英释义



1. payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence

    e.g. every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection

    Synonym: protection

2. payment by one nation for protection by another

3. something given or done as an expression of esteem

    Synonym: testimonial

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