
travel [ˈtrævl]  [ˈtrævəl] 


travel 基本解释


名词旅行; 进行; 移动; 漫游

不及物动词旅行; 传送; 前进,行进; [篮球]走步

及物动词经过,通过; 游历

travel 相关词组

1. travel along : 步行, 快步行走;

travel 相关例句


1. The youngsters travel long distances to school every day.


1. travel什么意思

1. His mind traveled over recent events.

2. Light travels faster than sound.

3. travel在线翻译

3. Her eyes traveled over the scene.

4. The commander''s eyes traveled over the enemy''s camp.

travel 情景对话


A:What do you think about mature student?

B:What do you mean by mature student?

A:You know, people who go back to school later on in life?

B:I don’t know. I guess I’ve never really thought about it before. Why? Are you thinking about going back to school?

A:Yeah, I am. I never finished my undergraduate degree.

B:I didn’t know that. What were you studying?


B:Why didn’t you finish?

A:I didn’t think it was necessary to have a degree.

B:Would it help you get a better job now?


A:I think so. Besides, I want to travel around. If I don’t have a degree, I won’t be able to get a work visa.

B:Sounds like your mind is made up. Go for it !



A:How may I help you?

B:Well, I’m going to travel next month and would like to buy some travel insurance. Can I do that here?

A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?


B:I’m going to Thailand.

A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?


B:I hope to. Why?


A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.

B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.
      哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。


A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you’d like. Have you looked over our brochure?

B:Not yet.

A:Why don’t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.


A:You’ll also need to decide how long you’d like the travel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.

B:I’ll just need it for one month.

A:When you’ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I’ll answer them for you.

B:Thanks for your help.

travel 网络解释

1. travel的解释

1. 行程:评价一根叉子的指标很多,一般来说有重量(weight),行程(travel),润滑度,强度,手感,附加功能等. 重量和行程都是有数字的,如果是XC使用,自然是重量越轻越好,行程则是在80-100mm之间都可以,否则要么避震效果不好,要么整个车的力学特征改变.


2. 传播:典型的顾客不良质量成本包括:当顾客购买的设备老化时,生产能力降低;传播(TRAVEL)成本和返修缺陷产品会带来时间的浪费,保修期之后的维修,当故障被定义和纠正期间顾客生产力方面的损失.

travel 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 traveling, traveled

1. (常指长途)旅行,行进
    If you travel, you go from one place to another, often to a place that is far away.


    e.g. You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow...
    e.g. Granny travelled down by train…

I love travelling...
Getting to and from school involves two hours'' travelling a day.

2. (长途)旅行
    Travel is the activity of travelling.

    e.g. Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel…
    e.g. He detested air travel.

3. 周游;走遍;在…游历
    If you travel the world, the country, or the area, you go to many different places in the world or in a particular country or area.

    e.g. Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book...
    e.g. He has had to travel the country in search of work.

4. (光、声音)传送,传播
    When light or sound from one place reaches another, you say that it travels to the other place.


    e.g. When sound travels through water, strange things can happen...
    e.g. Light travels at around 300,000,000 metres per second.
           光以每秒约 30 万公里的速度传播。

5. (消息)传播,流传
    When news becomes known by people in different places, you can say that it travels to them.


    e.g. News of his work traveled all the way to Asia...
    e.g. Seems like news travels pretty fast around here.

6. 漫游;游历
    Someone''s travels are the journeys that they make to places a long way from their home.

    e.g. He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.

7. see also: travelling;much-travelled;well-travelled

8. 轻装旅行
    If you travel light, you travel without taking much luggage.


9. (食品等货物)宜于长途运输,经得起长途运输
      If goods such as food products travel well, they can be transported a long way without being damaged or their quality being spoiled.


      e.g. Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.

10. (思想、方法或样式)广为流传,盛行各地
      If you say that an idea, a method, or a style travels well, you mean that it can be appreciated or used by people in several different countries, and not just in the country where it began.

      e.g. That brand of humour generally travels well.

The noun travel is used to talk about the general activity of travelling. It is either uncount or plural. You cannot say ''a travel'', you would use the word trip or journey instead. First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included… I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan.
名词 travel 用于谈论一般性的旅行活动,既可用作不可数名词,也可用复数形式。不能说 a travel,而应该以 trip 或 journey 代替:First-class rail travel to Paris or Brussels is included (其中包括坐火车头等车厢去巴黎或布鲁塞尔的行程),I picked them up recently on a trip to Manhattan. (这些东西是我最近一次去曼哈顿时买的)。

travel 英英释义


1. self-propelled movement

    Synonym: locomotion

2. the act of going from one place to another

    e.g. he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel

    Synonym: travelingtravelling

3. a movement through space that changes the location of something

    Synonym: change of location



1. change location
    move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically

    e.g. How fast does your new car go?
           We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus
           The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect
           The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell
           news travelled fast

    Synonym: gomovelocomote

2. undergo transportation as in a vehicle

    e.g. We travelled North on Rte. 508

3. make a trip for pleasure

    Synonym: tripjaunt

4. undertake a journey or trip

    Synonym: journey

5. travel upon or across

    e.g. travel the oceans

    Synonym: journey

6. travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge

    Synonym: move around

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