
transpose [trænˈspəʊz]  [trænˈspoʊz] 


transpose 基本解释


及物动词数>移项; 使变位; 音>使变调; 变换顺序




transpose 网络解释

1. transpose

1. 转置:使用单目动词'|:'转置(Transpose)可颠倒参量轴的顺序,以达到转置的目的,如:言把注意力集中到提供图形用户界面(GUI)能力时,J语言则把处理数据和提供良好图形界面

2. 移调:当(外接/MIDI)音高调制轮完全向一边(或者向另一边)偏转时,即达到最大弯音量.移调(Transpose)控制器以完整的半音为单位,向上或向下调节兰色合成器(BlueSynth)的全局音高.象在Pulsar上习惯的那样,你可以双击这项控制器,

3. 移项:资料简介:一元一次方程一 一元一次方程的解法 8.2 一元一次方程的解法(Solve a simple equation)(6课时) 第一课时 移项(transpose) 教学目的: 掌握移项法则,并能熟练地用移项解一元一次方程; 掌握在解方程过程中的验根.

transpose 词典解释

1. 调换…的位置;使换位
    If you transpose something from one place or situation to another, you move it there.

    e.g. Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next...
    e.g. The director transposes the action from 16th Century France to post-Civil War America.
           导演把情节从 16 世纪的法国调换到内战后的美国。

...a transposition of ''Macbeth'' to third century BC China.
将《麦克白》的剧情移植于公元前 3 世纪的中国

2. 互换…的顺序(或位置)
    If you transpose two things, you reverse them or put them in each other''s place.

    e.g. Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code.
    e.g. …a short story in which he transposes the roles of poets and screenwriters.

His pen name represented the transposition of his initials and his middle name.

3. 使(乐曲)变调
    If you transpose a piece of music, you perform it or write it in a musical key which is different from the original one.

    e.g. She could play any piece of music she heard and transpose it into any key.

transpose 英英释义



1. a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix


1. cause to change places

    e.g. interchange this screw for one of a smaller size

    Synonym: counterchangeinterchange

2. change the order or arrangement of

    e.g. Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word

    Synonym: permutecommute

3. change key

    e.g. Can you transpose this fugue into G major?

4. exchange positions without a change in value

    e.g. These operators commute with each other

    Synonym: commute

5. transfer from one place or period to another

    e.g. The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America

    Synonym: transfertransplant

6. put (a piece of music) into another key

7. transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality

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