1. 以旧换新:如果不是急的话,建议在冬季购车的朋友可考虑将购车时间推迟一些,因为每年12月至次年3月是汽车销售的淡季,各车行以旧换新(Trade in)的车辆相对较少,而每年春,秋季节考虑购买新车的人增多,Trade in 和Off lease的车辆较多,
2. 回购:回报波动variation in return | 回购 trade-in | 互联网Internet
3. 旧换新:转让 transfer | 旧换新 trade-in | 稳健保守 conservatism, prudence
1. 以(旧物)折价贴换同类新物
If you trade in an old car or appliance, you give it to the person you are buying a new one from so that you pay less.
e.g. He had a Rolls-Royce, and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers...
e.g. Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras.
1. turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase
e.g. trade in an old car for a new one
Synonym: trade