
traction [ˈtrækʃn]  [ˈtrækʃən] 

traction 基本解释

名词牵引力; 拖拉; 附着摩擦力

traction 网络解释

1. 牵引:腰椎间盘突出症的治疗方法很多,其中牵引(traction)被认为是较有效的治疗方法. 根据牵引力的大小和作用时间的长短,可将牵引分为快速牵引(rapid traction)和慢速牵引(slow traction). 快速牵引重量大,作用时间短,多在牵引的同时加中医的手法,

2. 引力:既不会因为空气的突然流失而发生车祸(车速快时,前轮突然漏气,往往造成车辆侧翻等恶性事故),也不会因突然漏气而碾坏外胎美国交通运输部规定,轿车轮胎上必须有轮胎磨耗(TREAD WEAR)、温度(TEMPERATURE)、牵引力(TRACTION)等标志.

traction 词典解释

1. 牵引(术);牵引治疗
    Traction is a form of medical treatment, in which weights and pulleys are used to gently pull or stretch an injured part of the body for a period of time. You say that a person who is having this treatment is in traction .

    e.g. Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg?…
    e.g. Isabelle''s legs were in traction for about two and a half weeks.

2. (对车辆的)牵引力,拉力
    Traction is a particular form of power that makes a vehicle move.


3. (尤指车轮对地面的)附着摩擦力
    Traction is the grip that something has on the ground, especially the wheels of a vehicle.

traction 英英释义


1. (orthopedics) the act of pulling on a bone or limb (as in a fracture) to relieve pressure or align parts in a special way during healing

    e.g. his leg was in traction for several days

2. the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)

    Synonym: gripadhesive friction

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