1. tracing
1. 临摹:1.能临摹(tracing)课堂中所学的应用字词. 1.在听读字词时,能在课文中指出(point to)所听到的字. 2.在听读字词时,能念出(read aloud)课文中的字. 3.能了解常用字汇的不同用法(usage),及字词间的搭配(collocation) 如:take 可以用在take medicine,
2. 追溯:图1 追溯(Tracing)是指从供应链下游至上游识别一个特定的单元或一批产品来源的能力,即通过记录标识的方法回溯某个实体来历、用途和位置的能力. 见图2. 本指南是指从POS零售到屠宰场追溯牛肉产品的能力.
1. the discovery and description of the course of development of something
e.g. the tracing of genealogies
2. the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
3. a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
Synonym: trace