1. trachea
1. 气管:2.气 管(TRACHEA) 始於上喉头,沿食道腹面,直走入胸腔达心脏之背侧,分成左右支气管,经肺腹面,终於肺内,平均有一二七个软骨轮. 3.支气管(BRONCHI) 始於气管之下端,左右各一,经肺门入於肺内,其构造同气管,较气管细而短. 4.喉 头(LARYNX) &nb[1]
2. trachea
2. 导管:tracer method 标记法 | trachea 导管 | tracheal respiration 气管呼吸
3. trachea是什么意思
3. 気管:毛様体神経節 - Ganglion ciliare | 気管 - Trachea | 気管支 - Bronchi
4. 気管支:toxoid-変性毒素 | trachea-気管支 | transpiration-発散
1. 气管
Your trachea is your windpipe .
1. membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi
Synonym: windpipe
2. one of the tubules forming the respiratory system of most insects and many arachnids