
torrent [ˈtɒrənt]  [ˈtɔ:rənt] 


torrent 基本解释


名词奔流,急流; 爆发,迸发; 连续不断; (质问等的)连发

torrent 相关例句


1. It rains in torrents.

2. The rain fell in torrents.

3. His answer was a torrent of abuses.

4. torrent在线翻译

4. A torrent of water swept down the valley.

5. The river was a torrent after the storm.

torrent 网络解释

1. 激流:奔涌于全球钻头般的激流(torrent)最后在世界最高屋脊下戛然而止. 2009年7月,印度BT网站被关闭;2009年8月25日,瑞典最大的种子网站海盗湾(The Pirate Bay)被强行关闭......世界范围内,好像被诅咒了一样,各国都在纷纷关闭BT网站,

2. 洪流:Daelin Proudmoore,海军上将(Admiral) 洪流(Torrent)抵挡减速效果,但是伤害和晕眩无法被抵挡. X标记(X marks the spot)该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 若施放于一个友军,技能被抵挡且不会触发林肯的冷却. ...

3. torrent的反义词

3. 奔流:曾在15世纪兴盛的印加帝国,只留下供人凭吊的遗迹. 今年主办亚太经合会(APEC)年会的秘鲁,固然有利马这类与现代文明接轨在BitTorrent术语中,所有参与散布某个档案的对等点称为奔流(torrent)

4. 湍流山溪:stream, brook 小溪 | torrent 湍流山溪 | rapids 急流

torrent 词典解释

1. 急流;激流;洪流
    A torrent is a lot of water falling or flowing rapidly or violently.


    e.g. Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir...
    e.g. The rain came down in torrents, and we could see nothing…

2. (谩骂、问题等的)连发,迸发
    A torrent of abuse or questions is a lot of abuse or questions directed continuously at someone.


    e.g. He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me.
    e.g. …a £45,000 offer which prompted a torrent of criticism in the media.
           激起媒体一片指责的 4.5 万英镑的出价

torrent 英英释义


1. a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid)

    e.g. the houses were swept away in the torrent

    Synonym: violent stream

2. a heavy rain

    Synonym: downpourcloudburstdelugewaterspoutpeltersoaker

3. an overwhelming number or amount

    e.g. a flood of requests
           a torrent of abuse

    Synonym: floodinundationdeluge

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