1. tomb
1. The sea was his tomb.
2. We visited the tomb of Shakespeare.
1. 墓:位於The Citadel城堡的东北方与南方,从Mamluk王朝时期开始,有上百个坟墓(Tomb)、陵墓(Mausoleum)、清真寺(Mosque)建於此. 所建的王室陵墓虽不豪华,但不同於一般墓园,这里面有街道、门牌号码、邮政服务. 虽然这一区有一大部分的居民都已不在人世,
2. 陵墓:Mahal我知道,印度几乎每个宫殿都叫作Mahal, Hawa Mahal, Chandra Mahal等等,大概全国只有泰姬陵(Taj Mahal)并非真的宫殿,大约在印度人眼中,它过于美丽,因此不忍心像对待胡马雍陵等那样以陵墓(Tomb)打发了事.
1. 坟墓;冢
A tomb is a large grave that is above ground and that usually has a sculpture or other decoration on it.
1. a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
e.g. he put flowers on his mother''s grave
Synonym: grave