
tip [tɪp]  [tɪp] 


tip 基本解释


名词小费; 小窍门; 末梢

及物动词给小费; 倾斜,翻倒; 装顶端

不及物动词给小费; 翻倒; 倾覆

tip 相关词组

1. tip over : 使翻倒;

tip 相关例句


1. Who tipped the scheme?

2. I tipped the bottle over and it broke.

3. Tip us your fin.


1. tip的反义词

1. Some smokers don''t like cigarettes with tips.

2. I gave her a tip on how to concoct a new kind of soup.

tip 网络解释

1. tip:translation inhibitory protein; 翻译抑制蛋白

2. tip

2. tip:transversing incore probe; 心探针系统

3. tip:typhoid complicated with intestinal perforation; 肠伤寒穿孔

4. tip的解释

4. tip:tour into picture; ·照片漫游

tip 词典解释

1. 末梢;尖端;顶端
    The tip of something long and narrow is the end of it.

    e.g. The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers...
    e.g. She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick...

2. (使)倾斜;(使)斜侧
    If you tip an object or part of your body or if it tips, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other.

    e.g. He leaned away from her, and she had to tip her head back to see him...
    e.g. A young boy is standing on a stool, reaching for a cookie jar, and the stool is about to tip...

3. 倾倒;倒出
    If you tip something somewhere, you pour it there.

    e.g. Tip the vegetables into a bowl...
    e.g. She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin…

4. 扔掉,倒掉(垃圾)
    To tip rubbish means to get rid of it by leaving it somewhere.

    e.g. ...the costs of tipping rubbish in landfills...
    e.g. How do you stop people tipping?...

in AM, use 美国英语用 dump

5. 垃圾场
    A tip is a place where rubbish is left.


    e.g. Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip
    e.g. I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.

in AM, use 美国英语用 garbage dump

6. 脏乱的场所
    If you describe a place as a tip, you mean it is very untidy.


    e.g. The flat is an absolute tip.

7. 给…小费
    If you tip someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money in order to thank them for their services.

    e.g. Do you really think it''s customary to tip the waiters?...
    e.g. She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round.
           她给了吧台服务员 10 美元小费,还请在场的所有人喝了酒。

A 10 percent service charge is added in lieu of tipping.
加收了 10% 的服务费以代替小费。

8. 小费
      If you give a tip to someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money to thank them for their services.


      e.g. I gave the barber a tip...
      e.g. The Head Porter was keeping all the tips.

9. 诀窍;忠告;指导
      A tip is a useful piece of advice.


      e.g. It shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs.
      e.g. tips for busy managers…

10. 认定…会(做某事或获得成功)
      If a person is tipped to do something or is tipped for success at something, experts or journalists believe that they will do that thing or achieve that success.

      e.g. He is tipped to be the country''s next foreign minister...
      e.g. He was widely tipped for success.

11. (对赛马、比赛结果的)预测,内幕消息
      Someone''s tip for a race or competition is their advice on its likely result, especially to someone who wants to bet money on the result.


      e.g. I''ve a tip for the races…
      e.g. United are still my tip for the Title.

12. (事物的)端倪,表面一小部分,冰山一角
      If you say that a problem is the tip of the iceberg, you mean that it is one small part of a much larger problem.

      e.g. Unless we''re all a lot more careful, the people who have died so far will be just the tip of the iceberg.

13. 使占优势
      If something tips the scales or tips the balance, it gives someone a slight advantage.

      e.g. Today''s slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in his favour...
      e.g. If the trial were evenly poised the newspapers might tip the balance against them.

14. 话到嘴边(却没说出来)
      If a comment or question is on the tip of your tongue, you really want to say it or ask it, but you decide not to say it.

      e.g. It was on the tip of Mahoney''s tongue to say the boss was out...
      e.g. A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue.

相关词组:tip offtip overtip up

tip 英英释义


1. an indication of potential opportunity

    e.g. he got a tip on the stock market
           a good lead for a job

    Synonym: leadsteerconfidential informationwindhint

2. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)

    e.g. the view from the peak was magnificent
           they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
           the region is a few molecules wide at the summit

    Synonym: peakcrowncresttopsummit

3. the extreme end of something
    especially something pointed

4. a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

    Synonym: gratuitypourboirebaksheeshbakshishbakshisbacksheesh

5. a V shape

    e.g. the cannibal''s teeth were filed to sharp points

    Synonym: pointpeak



1. remove the tip from

    e.g. tip artichokes

2. mark with a tip

    e.g. tip the arrow with the small stone

3. give insider information or advise to

    e.g. He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot

    Synonym: tip off

4. strike lightly

    e.g. He tapped me on the shoulder

    Synonym: tap

5. walk on one''s toes

    Synonym: tiptoetippytoe

6. to incline or bend from a vertical position

    e.g. She leaned over the banister

    Synonym: leantiltslantangle

7. cause to tilt

    e.g. tip the screen upward

8. cause to topple or tumble by pushing

    Synonym: toppletumble

9. give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on

    e.g. Remember to tip the waiter
           fee the steward

    Synonym: feebung

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